Well my friends suggested I start a blog to keep everyone updated on our lives, and I finally decided to do it.
Eric and I were married September 8, 2007, and it didn't take long before we were starting our family. We got the shock of our lives when we discovered at 19 weeks that we were having twin girls and now my little ones turn 7 weeks old in 3 days...I can't believe it! It really seems like they were just born. How time flies! I will try to update this blog as often as possible, and post lots of pictures of my sweeties! :)
Lilly in her cute jogging suit!
Lexi in her cute jogging suit!
This afternoon I finally had some spare time and snuck away to take a shower (if you are a mom, you understand how hard that is sometimes!) and I heard the babies start fussing. Eric had been napping on the couch and when I came out this is what I saw....see pictures below!! Isn't that adorable? He is such a good daddy and they ADORE him!
This past week, we also had a wonderful visit from Eric's mom! She was finally able to come visit the babies. I will post some pictures of her with the girls later.