I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! Ours was great! We all went up to my Dad and Debbie's in Dallas. The girls did really well. They got tired and fussy a little bit, but they were still perfect little angels. I love taking them places because they always do really well and surprise me. Plus, I love showing off my darlings. :)
This entry is primarily for family pictures from Thanksgiving, but I first want to tell a cool story about the day after Thanksgiving...We got home fairly late on Thursday night and put the girls to bed. So they slept a little later than normal on Friday. The goal for Friday was to get the Christmas tree up and decorated. I LOVE Christmas and used to have so much fun decorating with my mom. I am looking forward to starting all sorts of traditions with my own daughters!! I think the girls enjoyed watching me decorate yesterday. It took a while longer than normal, because I set their bouncers right in front of the tree and showed them almost every ornament. I would tell them the story of the ornament and let them touch it. By the end of the night, Lexi had glitter in her hair!! :) I think they especially liked the twinkle lights, but then again, who doesn't.
Well, after all of that, they were so cheerful and giggly. I could barely even nurse them, because they just wanted to laugh and smile the whole time. Then when it was tummy time, they did all sorts of "first time things". Lexi lifted her butt up and slid her knees underneath her and had her little toosh about 4 inches off the floor. She did this over and over, and then rolled back onto her back, which she has never done. She just kept rolling from back to belly and to her back again. Eric and I were amazed. She also continued to hold her head up while supporting herself on her chest and reached in front of her for a toy (also the first time for this).
The whole time Lexi was doing this, Lilly was watching her. They kept smiling at each other with the biggest grins. It was the "twin thing". Next thing we knew, Lilly was trying to do what her sister had done, and they kept eye contact and laughed the whole time. Lilly would kick her legs in rapid fire succession trying to get them under her. She eventually got them under her and stuck that little booty up high. Lexi looked proud of her. I think this is the first time that Eric and I really saw an intense interaction with lots of prompting and "twin speech". They were communicating with each other and not just cuddling and hanging out. It was sooooooo awesome!!
Eric and I were all smiles and were cracking up by the time they stopped. I think they wore themselves out. Although they were tired, they continued to laugh at Eric for a long time. Their daddy can make them laugh like no other!! It's really sweet!
I wonder if seeing their cousin, Tanner, on Thanksgiving, crawl and sit up, gave them encouragement to try new things. Who knows, but it was still fun!!
So here are the family pictures from Thanksgiving. The girls not only got to see some aunts and uncles again, but got to meet their Uncles Jason and Jeremy, and Great-Grandma (Omah)!! I was also so happy to have my cousins with us for the first time in a long time. We used to spend every holiday with my mom's family, and I have missed them since those days!!
Here are the grandkids...Lilly, Tanner (10 mos.), Tristan (3 years), and Lexi. Aren't the outfits adorable? These were lovingly made by their Great-Grandma!
Omah and Lilly...the girls liked their Omah. Lilly fell asleep in her arms a few minutes after this picture was taken...see next photo. Here she has just noticed her new socks. I think she liked them.
Eric and Sebastian playing ping-pong. I wonder who won?
It was a nice day!! I just cannot imagine spending the holidays without family. Eric and I only regret that we can't see his family for the holidays as well. We are determined to plan a holiday soon where we can go to Kentucky. We miss you guys and love you all very much! The girls send their love and we hope you had a great day!!