I have several photos that I like from the past couple of days. I figured I would share them with everyone...not a whole lot more to blog about! :) :)
Lilly Bug, then Lexi Bear...playing with their new toddler spoons and bowls. Notice how Lexi prefers to eat from the spoon handle!
I have been making a lot of flower hair bows for the girls...no point in buying them when I can make them! Now, if they would just leave them in for more than 2 seconds...
Well I decided this morning that I just have entirely too many pictures if I put them all on one post....SO, I am going to make this post about the actual trip to the aquarium and then do another one of the time spent at my Dad's house.
Here we have Mommy and Lexi waiting to see the sharks get fed...it was pretty awesome!! We were in a tunnel and the sharks were swimming all around us...both of the girls had huge eyes the whole time watching them. Daddy and Lilly watching the flamingos. Lilly's eyes stayed really big the whole time. It was funny to see how Lexi would laugh out loud, while for the most part, Lilly was more in awe of everything.
It is really hard to take good pictures of fast moving fish through aquarium glass, but here are the best ones that Eric took...
I was posing for Daddy, Lexi was staring at some birds!! Let me just give a quick plug for Snugli brand baby carriers. The one Eric is wearing is not ours and it is far superior to the one we own (the one I am wearing!) Eric complained at the zoo last week how his back was hurting. I felt great and thought he was just whining, until I used ours (Infantino brand) at the aquarium. It was really uncomfortable and Lexi felt a lot heavier than she is...sorry, honey! :)
The big turtles were awesome! This one kept swimming the length of the glass the whole time, right at eye level with the twins. They loved them!!
Lilly and Daddy checking out some big fish...Lilly is in love with fish! She says fish all the time and will just sit in the kitchen and stare at her fish. :)
This picture was also taken through the glass, but it turned out pretty good. These guys were showing off for everyone.
Next time I will post some fun pictures of the girls at Papa and Nana Epps house. 'Til then....
Hello all!! I have been slacking with the blog posts lately. Mostly because we have been pretty busy, and I have been doing lots of other things when they were napping. :)
The girls are just amazing as ever. They truly wear me out by the end of the day, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Lexi is starting to show her Momma that she can have a little temper. The other day I told her no several times for something and she got mad and slapped me...I wasn't sure what to do at first. So we had a little stern talking to, and she looked pathetic and sad. Then we hugged and everything went back to normal...she's becoming just like her momma!
I am trying to get things ready for the FIRST birthday party!! I have almost everything and it's all planned. I just need to make a few final preparations. Today I spent a good 1.5 hours at Eric's computer working on their 1st year DVD that we are making for them and the grandparents. :)
While I was hanging out, I published another one of our favorites to YouTube...although it was from the first week of January. The girls were a tad younger here....but still SOOOOOOO cute!!
I will be uploading pictures soon from our trip to Dallas yesterday. We had a great time and my Dad took a lot of pictures while we were hanging out at their place. The girls LOVED the Aquarium, but I know they will like it even more as they get older! :)
My Dad was able to drop in for a few hours the other day. I was sooooo excited! The girls were napping when he got here, so when he burst (sweetly) into their room to say hi when they woke up, there were a few tears at first. The girls quickly realized that Papa Epps was funny and they really liked him!
He helped me feed them their lunch and then we just played for a while before he had to head back up the road. He took a few pictures of them while they played and I was able to snap a few too...Enjoy!!
Starin' at that silly Papa Epps!
Lexi says, "Hmmmmm, Papa, are those my peas?"
Lilly and Mommy were just chilling out...
Lexi kept flirting...I love this picture. It shows how unruly, long, and cute their hair is getting!
I am a wife, and mother to twin girls born the summer of 2008. My husband is my best friend, and I adore him! I am so glad that God brought him into my life. I couldn't ask for a better man!
We also have 2 dogs that are such good little guys! :)