This was too cool and sweet to to share...enjoy!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
I haven't had much to blog about lately. I have been cooking a lot in my spare time and had an extra kiddo over here for 4 days this week. :) I haven't even taken very many pictures of the girls...shocking, I know!
So here are a few pictures that I did take of the beautiful stinkers I like to call my own.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Veteran's Day!
Happy Veteran's Day! Thanks to all of you brave men and women who have served the country you love and thanks also to those who are serving now!! We appreciate all you did and continue to do!
Here is a special thanks to my beloved! Eric, I am so thankful for you! You are my most favorite veteran of them all. :) And weren't you just a handsome little man in uniform....
Who then turned 17 and became a handsome young man in uniform...

Hope everyone has a blessed day!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Missing Pictures from the last post...
Here are some pictures from the baby dedication. My Dad took more so I will maybe post them later. Eric was holding Lexi and I had Lilly.
Daddy and Lilly...
Miss us?
I seem to get on a blog roll and look forward to blogging every single day. Then I suddenly hit a wall and seem to have to make myself write a blog. Apparently, I have been in a slump lately. :)
BUT there have been some great things happening around here and I have some catching up to do. This weekend we were blessed enough to be able to have a "Baby Dedication" at church. It was our chance to stand before family and friends and all of our church and ask for continued prayers as we try to raise our babies to know and love God. It was fun!! The girls were so cute and sweet. Lexi waved at the pastor's little girl in the front row and Eric told the congregation why we were there to dedicate them. Then Pastor Dave prayed for us and our job as parents. It was really nice that we could do that. My father, stepmother, her mother, cousin, and friend Jessica were able to join us. Then we came back to our house and had some lunch. The babies were exhausted by Sunday night and had so much fun. Monday morning, I heard Lexi calling for her Nana and Papa as soon as she woke up. Now both girls keep calling them all day on their play phones. So cute!!
We also celebrated my babies turning 17 months old yesterday! They are growing too fast! They couldn't even sit up last Christmas and now they are running and talking and getting into mischief...time flies! :)
What are you up to these days, Lexi??
- She loves to talk. She says words clearly and precisely. Some of the things she likes to say are: turtle, burrito, taco, sister, Lilly, yellow, blue, brown, pink, ball, dog, cat, boo-boo, uh-oh, yea, two (the only number she likes to say...must be a twin thing), I love you, Sneezy, mommy, daddy, and tons more. She knows tons of animal sounds and most of her colors. She has even started telling me that I have 2 eyes. These are just a handful of the words she can say. She tries to copy us a lot.
- She isn't interested in signing anything other than "more" and "eat".
- If you say the word, snack, she will run to the kitchen and start begging for something. Lilly does this too.
- She is beginning to hand toys to Lilly when asked. She is not perfect at sharing, but seems to be better at it lately.
- She loves to give kisses and hugs. She will take time to run across the room and kiss her doggies on top of their heads. She will also kiss a "boo-boo" if you tell her you have one.
- She loves to go outside and will hold my hand until we get out there.
- If you say, run, she will run in place but spin in a circle. It is so funny. We keep trying to tell her that she is actually spinning. She doesn't care.
- She has started throwing fits when she feels bad or gets really angry. The best thing to do is ignore her. Hopefully that will continue to work.
- She loves to turn the tv on and off, and on and off, and on and off. It's funny and frustrating. Lilly loves to do this too and they will take turns!
- She is still the accessory queen. On any given day, you will see her with her purse, a scarf, one shoe on, sunglasses on, and a stuffed toy under her arm.
- She gets mad now when you have to change her diaper. She used to love it, but now you are interrupting her play time.
- She will eat anything. Current favorites are peas, carrots, any kind of bread, most fruits, animal crackers, pasta, pb&j, craisins and raisins, pickles, and any kind of chocolate! They also seem to like salmon a lot. I get the canned stuff and make it up like tuna salad. They both gobble it up.
- She has started humming tunes while saying, Meow, instead of words. I did that last week while we were being silly and she keeps doing it. So cute!
- She loves her Daddy and Mommy!
- We call her the destroyer, since she is not super gentle with her toys. She loves to make LOUD noises and play loudly.
- She really loves her sister.
What are you up to these days, Lilly?
- Lilly also loves talking, but talks so differently. It is adorable. She mainly babbles all the time. The more I listen, the more I figure out and she gets clearer all the time. She can say flower, sister, dog, puppy, kitty, Sneezy, Toby, fish, ball, love you, hi, how are you, etc.
- She likes to count with me, but tends to grunt her numbers all excitedly. She is really good at her phonics too. We sound out all the letters of the alphabet and she copies me. Her favorite letter is S.
- She likes to suck her thumb. A LOT.
- She is super mellow and usually calm. She has her crazy moments, but likes to sit still a lot more than Lexi. She will sit quietly with a book or a toy and just check it out.
- She is now really interested in coloring and drawing.
- She loves a little beanie baby dog we have and she calls it "Arf". She says arf for a dog sound and Lexi says woof.
- Lilly loves to make a bee buzzzzzz sound now since she loves the song, Bumblebee Buzz.
- Any animal makes her face light up and her day better.
- She likes to do this little thing and make noises with her tongue. I can't for the life of me copy it, and she will lay in my lap trying to show me. Then when I do it wrong, she will tell me that I am not doing it right and shake her head no.
- She is the cuddliest little girl that I have ever met. She is content laying in my lap for hours at a time while Lexi runs around.
I cannot imagine life without twins running around. It is so much fun. I know 1 baby at a time is great too, but I love it that God gave us these two together! They are an amazing joy.
I really have to go grocery shopping now while everyone is asleep and Eric is home. I will post all kinds of pictures later tonight.
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