Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring, Spring, Spring

I have always loved winter and loved the colder weather. I would just rather not sweat. But this year we had an unseasonably cold winter AND two toddlers cooped up inside. This made for a different story. I am super excited about springtime right now. I want to dress the girls in yellow and white and go pick flowers!!

I have also been taking my camera along with me for pictures of things other than the two cutie pies, and would like to show you all some of the grand central Texas scenery that we have been seeing.

House Finches...
Cedar Waxwings...

More house finches...

Happy Spring!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lilly's Turn

Today is for Lilly. This is how she has been enjoying the nice spring weather lately. Always enamored with sticks....

Uncle Nate, she still LOVES her Bugs Bunny....
Blowing on the pinwheel too...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is Here!!

It is so nice to be able to go outside and play!! Today's post is dedicated to my little Lexi...cause I felt like it. Tomorrow, we will have one for Lilly bug...can't give one a blog post and not the other...that would be wrong! So here is Lexi enjoying spring around our house.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

21 Months Old!

Well my little goobers are 21 months old today and changing all the time. They are growing up so fast. Some of you may get bored with this LONG list of things I have written, but I wrote it for me, so I would never forget some of the things they do at this age. It is so much fun watching them change and learn. I love counting and singing with them. We sing together all day long!!

They are still very similar in so many ways, so here are some of their "same" stats:

  • 18-24 months clothing mostly, they need the length of a 2T but lots of 2Ts fall off their waists.
  • They wear size 6 shoes.

  • If you point to them and ask “Who are you? What is your name?” then they will answer correctly, Lilly or Lexi.

  • Constantly sings..some of their favorites are “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”, “The Cuppycake Song”, “We are the Dinosaurs”, and the Sesame Street theme song.

  • “Up/Down” is a favorite game. They love us to dip them up and then down, whether on our backs, in the air, or tipped over our laps.
  • We taught them Ring Around the Rosy the other day and the LOVE it! The only problem is that they refuse to hold each other’s hands and only want to play with mommy or daddy. So unless we are both home, they grab at my hands and cry since I won’t do it right. :)
  • Right now they love/hate bugs and dirt. They stare at the floor lately and yell, “bugs! dirt!” If there is no bug, I tell them it is nothing or maybe dirt. Most of the time, I have no idea what they see and they get scared over nothing. It’s kind of cute though.

  • Loves to be with each other. A nursery worker told us a couple of weeks ago that Lexi cried a little bit when we dropped them off and Lilly stroked her sister’s head to comfort her.

  • They wrestle, hug, snuggle, kiss, push, shove, climb on, slap, hit, bite, and pull on each other. They can be so super sweet to each other and then completely mean minutes later.

  • They love to rock, hold, cuddle, and push their baby dolls around in a stroller.
  • They are still obsessed with accessories and now ask for them by name. It is not uncommon to see them running around the house in necklaces, purses, hats, sunglasses, scarfs, bracelets, and shoes. I walked in on them yesterday putting hats on each other. It was sweet.

  • They both love helping Mommy. If you give them a washcloth or baby wipe, they will go around the house wiping things for me. Today they took their clean clothes to their room for me.

  • They are fascinated with cooking. They always ask to “see” when I am stirring or mixing something.

  • They ask to watch movies all the time....especially for their Barney movies. We usually stick to under 1 hour of tv a day, but Monday nights is Mommy/Daughter Movie Night, so we start a movie of their choice. They usually pay attention for 15-20 minutes and then go play. Their absolute favorite movie is Cinderella!!! They want to hug Gus-Gus.

  • I never thought I could say, “Get off the table” so many times in 1 day. :)
  • They still love to eat and it freaks me out when they have a slow eating day. Some favorites are peas, carrots, bell peppers, hummus, any kind of bread, blueberries, strawberries, muffins of all sorts, yogurt, turkey sandwiches, pb&j sandwiches, cheese, milk, and juice.
  • They adore Minnie Mouse, Elmo, Barney, and Abby Cadabby.

Potty Training Update:

We will probably start potty training full force around April or early May. I am in no hurry to rush them and we are letting them get fully prepared. Lilly runs to her bathroom door several times a day and tells me that she needs to go potty. They are crazy interested in their training pants too and are now taking off their diapers all the time. They like to sit on their potties and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to wash their hands. They will run and climb up on the step stool and splash in the water. They laugh and say, “wash hands”. Lilly told me yesterday that her diaper was “hot” as she was going potty. We are almost there. They wore training pants for the first time on March 1st. :)

Now for the Lexi-Only Stats!

Height = 34.25"

Weight = ~ 27 lbs.

Some of her favorite sayings:

“What happened, Lilly?”

“Come on, or Come here, Lilly!” which sometimes sounds like, “mere, or mon” but is usually very clear.

“Alexis, No Ma’am”, and then she promptly scolds herself. Of course, Miss Lilly gets in on the action too and also starts telling her sister no.

Started singing Rock a Bye Baby today. It sounds like, "Rock-a-Babyyyyy!! Rock-a-Babyyyyyyy!!!"

Arm pit sounds like “alm pig”. For a couple of days, she thought she had a boo-boo in her arm pit and would show it to me. Of course, it was so much fun to then tickle her and watch her fall to ground laughing.

She loves to give big, tight hugs and is fascinated with freckles, especially Toby’s.

She constantly talks about belly buttons. She will say “Belly Button, Mommy” and then demand that you show her your belly button.

Counts a lot...mostly goes 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-789-789-789...she is quite addicted to 7-8-9.

Sings her alphabet and can sing the whole thing with you, but she tends to get stuck on the first 5-6 letters if she sings by herself and she sings the whole song with those few letters.

When she is tired at night, she gets settled in bed, says her prayers with us, then tells us “Night!” and gives us a get out of my room look.

Lexi does some hilarious dance moves. One of which includes bouncing her left shoulder up and down. I have no idea where that came from.

She will copy anything that comes out of our mouthes. There is hardly a word that child cannot and will not say. Yesterday she said camouflage all day, which she got from Sesame Street.

Now for the Lilly-Only Stats!!

Height = 34.5"

Weight = ~ 27 lbs.

She is just the cutest little thing EVER! She likes to be adorable and practices winking and batting her eyelashes at her daddy!

She is a snuggle bug if there ever was one.

She really likes coloring and painting. She will ask for her crayons 50 times a day and then sit there and scrape them under her fingernails or color on the drapes. :)

I sometimes have a bit of a harder time telling what she is saying, but only because she talks so fast. She is every bit as easy to understand as Lexi now.

She loves her bunny rabbit, Bugs Bunny doll, and puppy, Arf.

She gets easily frustrated and will bite or hit to deal with it.

She loves to sit and put her shapes into the shape sorter.

She loves us to “dwaw”. This is when she brings us her Magna Doodle and asks us to draw.

She still sucks her thumb and it sooooo relaxes her.

She loves to tell her shadow to “Come on” and then take its hand and lead her shadow around the house.

She grabs books, knows the names of them, and brings them to you to read. She loves to sit in your lap to read a book.

She will stroke our cheeks and say, “Gentle, Gentle” since that is what we taught them with the dogs.

Lilly loves to soups and avocados. Lexi does not. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010


"What? A post with pictures of us doing something Mommy thinks is cute? No way!!" - Lexi

Yes, Lexi. I finally got brave enough to let you and Lilly eat yogurt without my assistance. I was sure it would be on the ceiling like some of the pasta dishes you eat, or on the kitchen curtains like the carrots I am currently cleaning off. I was SO proud. You girls really wanted that stuff in your mouthes. You are such big girls!!!

It made Lilly giggle a little...

Lexi may have soaked her bib, but she ate most of it. :) Although she did get a little up her nose. Ha ha, poor baby!