Friday, December 17, 2010

The Super Hero Princesses!

Last week, we had joined our friends for a birthday party for Jesus. It was really cool! I had been wanting to do that this year and was excited to do it with Kiley and Eli too! Miranda read the story of the first Christmas and then after talking about why we give gifts at Christmas, Miranda and I handed the kids their gifts from us.

Miranda made the kids the COOLEST capes ever! They are reversible and have different designs on each side. I wanted to do something that would match, so I made the 3 girls little crowns with coordinating colors and fabrics. Then I made Eli a bat mask to go with his cape.
They were SO excited to open them.

Batman and Spiderman in that is the best kind of super hero!!
Crowns on, capes on...super hero princess Lilly away!!
Alexis was off to save baby dolls everywhere...
These capes and crowns even work with pajama attire. Daddy was impressed!
Another pose...
Fly away...
Go Lexi...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Crafts

I have had a lot of fun sewing and making several Christmas presents this year. Here are a couple of things I thought were cute.

I made our friend several finger puppets for his 3rd birthday. ..
I also made some felt play food for the kitchen that the girls are getting for Christmas from Papa and Nana Epps. I had a blast making these. I plan to make a ton more, but at a later date. I kind of ran out of motivation for now...

A sandwich with turkey, cheese, and lettuce...
Pancakes with butter and syrup, and fried eggs...
Swiss Rolls anyone? These little guys are super cute!
And frosted sugar cookies with sprinkles...
I have tons more sewing ideas in the works, but hope to take a short 2 week break for now. Tomorrow, I'll share the CUTE super hero capes that my friend Miranda made for the girls. They are smitten with them. :)

The First Annual Building of...

A gingerbread house!

This was a little crazy but we had a lot of fun too. The other icing got hard too fast, so we got the girls some blue cookie icing to use for all the candy. Here is all the fun in pictures...

They had a little trouble asking me for frosting, and then not wanting to let me finish before trying to put it on the house. This left me squirting blue icing all over their hands and arms. :)
All drippy and done! I really like it although it is clearly done by 2 year olds.
More Christmas fun to come...

Monday, December 13, 2010

2 and a HALF...Really??

Well life has been crazy again, so this is a little late. But the girls turned 2 and a HALF, last Thursday!! Already? :) I can't believe they are so big! So what are my little girls up to these days? Well let's take a look, shall we...

Lilly Anne (often called Lilly-bug, Silly Lilly, Bug baby, and Lexi calls her Lillers)
  • You weigh 30 lbs, and are 38" tall.
  • You need the waist size of a 2T, but they are WAY too short on you. So Mommy only buys 3T clothes now. Even some of those shirts are getting too short on the tummy...yikes!
  • You are still in a size 4 diaper, and are quickly potty training. You get it for the most part, but just don't want to do it very often. We are really going to work on it more though.
  • You wear a toddler size 8 shoe.
  • You rarely nap anymore. You and Lexi are entirely too active to nap. If you don't nap by 2:30 pm, I keep you up until bedtime. You go to bed between 6:30 and 7 pm, if you don't nap and still sleep at least 12 hours. It's wonderful! The bedtime woes of the summer are long gone and I am so thankful. We tuck you in, say our prayers, then you close your eyes and go to sleep.
  • You and Lexi BOTH eat almost anything. You prefer less meat, because you don't want to chew it that much.
  • You have 2.5 of your two-year molars in already. That is the earliest you have ever teethed. I really expected you to be three before those popped in. :)
  • You have 2 adorable little freckles. I can't wait to see if you get more.
  • You still suck your right thumb, but we will worry about that after you are potty trained. One thing at a time.
  • You are still one of the sweetest little girls I know. You love to give kisses, rub our backs, and ask if we are being careful or are doing okay.
  • Last week you started calling me "Mommy bear".
  • You are also quite the stinker. When it comes to being ornery and getting into trouble, you are way more stubborn and difficult than Lexi. You just have an extremely stubborn streak in you, something like your momma.
  • You quit responding to spankings and decided that for now, you were going to obey if I threatened a time out. You ask about every 2 seconds of your 2 minute time out, if you can get up yet. It drives me nuts, but I still love you. ;)
  • You LOVE to ask the same silly question over, and over, and over! It is usually adorable, but there are times when we have had to remind you that asking the same question over and over after getting a response becomes disrespectful. When you ask why I wiped your face, and I respond that it was dirty, we can move on to another topic.
  • You adore your sister and your Sneezy dog. You try to hug on Lexi a lot and get really offended when she won't hug you back or doesn't want to cuddle. Sneezy has learned to give a quiet little grumble when he is tired of your tight hugs. You usually walk away then.
  • You ask for Daddy a LOT and seem to be Daddy's girl, although you still love me and will never give up the opportunity to snuggle with me.
  • Your best friends, besides your sister, are Kiley, Eli, Trinity and Ariel. You are a good friend! :)
  • Every once in a while, your words come out with a slight british accent. It is HILARIOUS!!
  • You are currently obsessed with saying, "Mommy, it's Christmas time!! Is it Christmas day yet?"
  • You love the color purple and are very picky about your clothes and accessories. If I ask what you want to wear, I better put you in exactly what you ask, or there will be a little drama.
  • You are definitely a girlie-girl. You love glitter, glamour, pretty clothes, and all things girlie. Your favorite princesses are Snow White and Cinderella. The other day, you asked me if you can be Cinderella when you grow up, because she is so nice and the mice like her. :)
  • You are suddenly in love with babies. You adore your little friend, baby Benjamin.
  • Daddy and I LOVE you soooo much and thank God every day for you, sweet girl!

Alexis Kathryn (aka, Lexi Bear, Lexi Cat, Lex-apotamus, Lilly calls her Lexa)
  • You are ~38 inches tall, maybe a tad shorter, and weighs 32 lbs. You are the same shape and size as your sister, even though you are heavier. :)
  • You also need the waist size of a 2T, but they are WAY too short on you. So Mommy only buys you 3T clothes now.
  • You wear a toddler size 8 shoe.
  • You are still in a size 4 diaper, and really don't want to potty train. We'll get there in due time, my love.
  • You rarely nap anymore either. You are actually tougher to get to nap than your sister.
  • You have 1 of your two-year molars in already. This is also the earliest you have ever teethed.
  • You have 3 adorable little freckles.
  • You AND Lilly have the cutest curl in the back of your heads. It is just one gigantic curl. If your hair is in a ponytail, the whole ponytail will end up curling up. It's really sweet!
  • You love to tell stories.
    • Sometimes you get scared of "silly monsters" and refuse to go into your room by yourself.
    • You really enjoy splashing in the bath tub.
    • You often wake up in the middle of the night and need a hug before you will go back to bed.
    • You are such a "mother". You snuggle everything and pat all your stuffed animals on the back, telling them, "It's ok, honey!" You give tons of sweet kisses and hugs.
    • We love your "tight, squeezy hugs". This is when you grab our necks, wrap your arms around tight, and make the cutest groaning noise.
    • You call animals "buddy" and "honey".
    • She have a fascination with dirt and rocks. I throw about 5 little rocks a day out the back door, and then you cry when you can't find them. Seriously, a rock? :)
    • You love to color, but for only about 5 seconds and then you are done.
    • You constantly offer to help Mommy throughout the day. If I set the wet laundry on the door of the dryer, you will push it into the dryer for me. I love hearing you say, "Mommy, Can I help you?"
    • You are not as picky about clothes as Lilly. You wear what I put on you, even though you are still quite the girlie princess. You also love Cinderella the most.
    • You can't get enough stuffed animals and spend about a week with each, carrying them around and smooching them, before getting interested in a different one.
    • You like to name your stuffed animals after favorite people. Right now you have a bear named after a little girl at church, and every once in a while, you name things after your favorite baby at church.