Friday, December 4, 2009

Our Day

We had a fun day here today. It was supposed to snow...nope, not so much!! Instead we had a day of staying warm and lounging with books and toys. Eric only has 2 finals left next week and he is done. :) We are also planning a fun trip soon and I can hardly wait to leave!!

Tonight Lilly decided that she wanted to snuggle with me and then Lexi came up to join us. It was about an hour before bedtime and they were winding down since their nap was somewhat short. Lexi sat kind of behind Lilly and paid her head against Lilly's cheek. Eric snapped a couple of pictures of his 3 girls. There is nothing like having a lap full of little ones that you love and adore. Here are my sweeties in my lap.

Lilly and Mommy had a few silly moments too. :)

Daddy and Lexi had been building towers with her blocks and she was starting to get grumpy. Eric, however, was not grumpy. :)

The girls like to give each other kisses when they are in their super sweet moods. Tonight, they also discovered that they could slide across linoleum on their bellies and say, "Weeeeee!"

I sure do love those happy faces. Wait, what am I saying...I love them when they are cranky, mad, and throwing tantrums too!

Lilly Lexi

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Three Little Girls

This is one of the reasons I have been blogging less...watching 3 little girls keeps me pretty busy. The twins are so loving having Annalise come visit and ask for her on the mornings that she isn't here. :) They are good friends.

Here are some pictures of them playing from the other morning. Lilly is in this first picture, playing boo.

Silly girls being silly girls...

The other night, we finally got Lexi to say her "Oh, Honey!" phrase on camera. You may have to turn the sound up to hear her, and I apologize for my goofy excitement. I love them so much and get super excited about the things they do sometimes. :)