Friday, September 24, 2010

Our God

Imagine this scene...It is a Friday morning and you are driving with your precious little girls in the backseat. You are all singing to one of your favorite songs, "Our God" by Chris Tomlin. It is on your iPod, so you know it well. All of the sudden from the back, you hear a sweet child's voice sing, "Our God is HEALER!!" really loudly at the wrong part. Wow! Not only to come from a small child, but to come out loud and proud, and with conviction...

This was of course, my child. My child who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy. I wonder if she will ever know what an impacting moment that was for her momma! Needless to say, I was a weepy mess when we arrived at our destination. Here is the song all about our healer!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All Sorts of Things

We are hanging in there. Eric and I are stressed at times, but we are so encouraged by friends, family, and doctors. Lexi is scheduled for her MRI on the 29th. Pray for us, please! Other than that, it is life as usual around here. We have giggle fests in the Tinkerbell play tent...

Read our Bible while snuggling with our favorite dog...
Look for our dog through the fence...
Wear our neck pillow on our head...
And go on wagon rides around the neighborhood and yard...
Eric and I have so much fun with these girls! They are precious angels!

I have also been crafting a LOT. Funny how my list is tons longer than it was a month ago, but here are a couple of random things I have made lately.

Fall Hairbows...I made 3 and LOVE them, even if the child is crying in the picture. :)
I found a bunch of old wooden spools in a box of my mom's sewing stuff, got the idea from a cute craft blog, and made some photo holders.
Then I dressed my daughter...I LOVE these little white t-shirts but hate all the stains that are permanently on them. Craziness. Since we were going to some friends for dinner, I quickly made some roses and sewed them on the shirt, covering up the worst stains. Of course, I wish I had pictures of how stained it got at dinner. Mommy forgot to bring the bibs. :) Woops!
I have also been making headbands like crazy! I mostly put silk roses on them, but have branched into making felt shapes, like hearts and flowers. My girls love them so much that they beg to wear them all at once. Right Lexi??
Oh, and those are old UMHB tutus from last year. Don't tell them that they are too big for them now. They will wear them anyway. :)
If you can't get them all on your head at once, just throw them over your arm and call them purses.
And last but not least, I hope they always remember to hug each other tight before leaving for church! They melt my heart!
Happy Wednesday!