I have so not been in a blogging mode. There is just too much to do, and put away, and clean...blah, blah, blah! Anyways, I am slowly getting back into the cooking mood and have a fun menu plan for this next week. Eric even put the girls down for a nap for me today so I could run to the grocery store WITHOUT toddlers! Woohoo!
I brought all four "little" ones home early because we went from sick kids to sick dogs. I was at the point where enough was enough. Sneezy gets really nervous sometimes and there was a lot of construction across the street from the apartments. Add that to the random, sudden thunderstorms and people walking by his door all the time, and he was a nervous wreck. He ended up sick for a couple of days but then thankfully coming home made it better.
I got home and had 4 days with no internet and toddlers who had forgotten how to sleep in their own beds unless I sat beside them. I don't mean to complain...just been a little nuts. I think we are finally all getting acclimated back to life in Harker Heights. Praise God!
Now I need to go to bed but will catch up on more fun family drama and stories tomorrow! Night all!