Friday, March 20, 2009

Swinging at the Park

We took the girls to the city park yesterday and they got to swing for the first time! They were so excited. Even as we first got there and were just walking around looking for a friend, Lilly was squealing with excitement and squirming to get down and play! It was pretty funny!

Lilly is in the blue swing and Lexi is in the yellow one...

This next picture makes me cringe...I kept saying, "Ewww! No, honey! You can't lick the swing!" She thought it was funny. I guess what doesn't kill you (or Lord willing, make you sick) only makes you stronger! I remember some friends from Baylor talking one day and saying how when they took Microbiology, they were amazed that any of us were still alive and not sick all the time. BUT then they took Immunology and were amazed that we ever got sick with our awesome immune systems! As a mom, I really appreciate that awesome immune system!!

I think we will be going to the park again really soon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lots of Pictures

I love the sleepy looks on the girls faces in the morning...I go get them up and after changing diapers, bring them in to our room for a bottle and snuggle!! This morning, they just wanted to climb all over their daddy! Lexi is in this first picture!
First is Lexi then Lilly...sweet faces ready for breakfast!
This was today...I know this picture is not clear, but it shows what Lexi is doing ALL the time now! She is trying to stand up. It's pretty cool!!

This is my new favorite of Lilly! She loves her bear!
Now this is a hilarious picture since Lilly is currently making this silly face while snorting in and out...I got it on video! I caught her at just the right moment in this one and Daddy joined in...
Lexi was hugging my leg as she tried to stand up. :)
Sweet darlings...Daddy and Lilly!
I got out my old cowboy hats the other day and put them on the girls...they had so much fun in them. Especially when the hat fell over their eyes and they tried to stare at me through the holes in the hat. :) This is Lilly...

Here is my stinker, Lexi!
Mommy kissing her Lexi Bear!
You would have to see the video of this too to understand what she is doing, but she is making a cute spitting/blowing noise with her lips. It's Lexi's new thing and it is adorable!
Lexi loves her sippy cup of water...

Here is Lilly kissing her giraffe buddy! They adore their giraffe...we named him Karl...don't ask! :)

"Hmmmm, what book should I read?" - Lilly
"Hey mommy!!" - Lilly

Monday, March 16, 2009

Doggies and Sippy Cups

The latest installment of the "knucklehead clan"...

This one is great!! The girls were suddenly VERY ticklish and giggly yesterday. They laughed on and off like that for a couple of hours.

The girls LOVE their dogs. This is Lilly from yesterday. She was trying to play with Sneezy through the glass and he didn't really care too much..he just wanted us to let him inside!

Then there was today...we gave the girls a little bit of water for the first time in their sippy cups. Their reactions were priceless!! Lexi stopped making faces and seemed to get over it not being milk, but Lilly kept making this hilarious face. She decided she liked water about an hour later!

Well enjoy the videos...I will post pictures tomorrow!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Babyproofing Troubles

Did anybody else have issues with their babyproofing efforts? The first set of corner protectors I bought for our coffee table were small and discreet...they fell off and took the finish with them. So we bought the thick, less-attractive least they are cushy and of good quality. The same-type protectors went around our fireplace. The fireplace cushioning has come in handy so far, as my girls LOVE to crawl up to the fireplace and suck on the edges. :)

The plug protectors are standard and still user friendly...gotta love those! Then there are the cabinet locks. These have become the biggest pain in the butt of them all!!! I tried to put them in our kitchen cabinets by myself several times because Eric is pretty busy with studying and stuff. I had no such luck and ended up frustrated and not finishing a single one. I finally got to show Eric today what I been doing. We had his electric drill but the cabinet was too hard and the screws would not go in...we ended up at Home Depot with the girls tonight and bought drill bits to make the holes first. Then we could put the screws in...I had even tried to use a small nail and a hammer to make the holes and nothing worked. The cabinets are finally safe!! Woohoo!! :)

I just think it is a bit ridiculous that it takes 2 people to put cabinet locks in...seems like it should be easier. Maybe I am being too picky! Anyways, now that the cabinets are safely closed from little fingers, maybe we can finally be done with it for a while. I am having to be more proactive with my babyproofing since I have 2 little stinkers who never crawl in the same direction to get into trouble!!!