Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Give Thanks
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Mother's Milk Bank Needs MILK
I am still on the milk bank's mailing list and while I cannot donate milk right now, I wanted to post this email in case someone who is breastfeeding right now reads my blog. This is an amazing organization who provides breastmilk to sick babies. Please read the email below and contact myself or the MMBA if you would like to donate. Thanks!!
"We received an update from our milk depots this morning and the general consensus was - the freezers are empty! We need your milk!! We realize that the busy holiday season is upon us, so anyone who needs to make room for that turkey or who has been stock-piling milk, please drop off your milk at the nearest depot as soon as possible. We will be making a trip to Houston tomorrow, so anyone in that area who can make a drop-off today would really be helping us out. Our demand here at the milk bank is increasing and our reserves are decreasing, so we need your precious milk in order to provide for all of the fragile babies.
Please drop off your milk to one of our many depots. We appreciate your time and commitment to helping save the lives of fragile babies.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!"
Mothers' Milk Bank at Austin