Read the following poem...
One elephant went out to play
Dry bones
Cows in the kitchen
The ants go marching
There was an old lady who swallowed the sea
Five little men in a flying saucer
Ten fat sausages
Down in the jungle
I AM the music man
Ok, so it wasn't as much a poem as it is titles of children's books, but I can explain why it is extra funny. Last night I read Eric one of my old art professor's profile on UMHB's website and it cracked us up. I ADORE this man and think he is one of the best artists I have ever seen. The little paragraph were he explains his artwork was obviously written by an artist who sees the world slightly different than my husband and I.
This morning, Eric said he had a poem for me. It was a poem written in the style of professor Dunham. I thought it was cute enough and funny enough to share. I hope you all enjoyed it. :)