Thursday, March 1, 2012

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

Ok, last catch up post. YEA! It will be mainly another long life-in-photos type post. If you are tired of seeing so many long posts with pictures, wait a couple more days. :)

Noah enjoyed his first day out under our oak tree in the shade. He would take a deep breath and smile with the cool breezes. His face and neck started breaking out in a little rash from long outdoor exposure last week though. I think it was something that blew in with all the temperature changes. Thankfully it went away with a little Vaseline. :)

Sneezy still thinks Noah is his and he is incredibly protective. It's good and bad, but makes for some cute pictures.
My two special guys...
I think Noah looks so adorable in these little long-john jammies. This little lovie has a rattle in it and he likes to snuggle it. Our sweet friend, Miss Kiley, picked it out for him. Thanks again, Kiley!!
Now who doesn't LOVE a sweet boy with spiky hair and overalls?! He is such a precious booger!

I am yet to capture a full smile on camera. I have several shots of the beginnings or ends of his amazing smiles though.
My beautiful Valentines Day flowers from my love!!
The girls wanted to send Daddy a picture of his girls for Valentines. :) We love him a whole lot!
I made these baby legs for the girls and Noah likes them too!
This was too funny not to share. Our local Chipotles has a clever, silly employee who apparently likes her Sharpie too. We were surprised, and cracked up when we pulled our burritos out a few weeks back. I got a chicken burrito and and Eric hates beans. :)
My college roommate and amazing friend, Jessica, sent this for Noah. Isn't it the cutest? The best part is that he has great hats that fit now, and then ones like this he can grow into. I still put it on him sometimes though. How can anyone resist such a cute little monkey!?!
My church friend, Laura, also sent home some great hand-me-downs with these cute shoes. I wasn't going to buy many shoes for him before he got a little older, but I think these look too cute on his little feet.
Precious face, huh?
Seriously, he is soooooooo strong!! Maybe I still compare him to my tiny girls at this age, but he blows us away. When I called Eric the other day to tell him he had grown out of 3 month clothes, he exclaimed, "Man, that kid is a beast!" :)
He still sleeps good!
He turned one month old on February 10. This also happened to be Eric's 32nd birthday. We celebrated both of them. Here he is sitting on the blanket that Nana Tucky made for him. It is the BEST blanket, Betty! We adore it, and he will lay in his crib and stare at it, then break out in the biggest smiles! This outfit makes him look bigger than he is, but it was a Beatrix Potter, Peter Rabbit outfit...too precious not to wear for his one month picture!
Tummy time...Love it? Hate it? He can't decide.

My traditional birthday picture with my angels, in front of Cracker Barrel. I really wasn't going to drop Noah, he was just sound asleep and floppy.

Seriously, how cute is he?

Lexi and Noah. They hold him really well on a boppy or in his chair.

I left the girls alone for 20 minutes one day playing in their was a little too quiet and this is why? Ahhh!
Noah had his first play date with our sweet friends Kari and little Ethan. Ethan is 12 days younger.
Mommy and her boy!
Still not sure of tummy time...
All in all, it was a very good month! And I am so glad to be caught up on blogging!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


So our life has been developing its new normal. We are still playing and having lots of fun, and the girls are getting used to letting me nurse Noah while they play together. Our precious friend Sandra, got the girls some Valentines pillows. I love it that our friends and family have gotten sweet little gifts or done something nice for the girls to make sure they don't feel left out during this time.
At almost one month, Noah has become such a joyous part of our family. He is AMAZING!!! I mean, look at this face!
Napping in his crib for the first time...
His hair parts in a couple of places in the front of his face, so it's easiest to just spike it up. Plus, it looks adorable.
Dinosaur toosh...
He stares at Eric and I. I think he is trying to figure out what we are all about. He is looking at Eric here.

Freshly bathed and hair brushed! :)
Sup, Daddy!
He is getting chunky, in the cutest baby way possible. :) At 5 weeks, we went to the doctor. He picked up a classic cold from his sisters. While we were there we weighed him. 12.5 pounds of cuteness and 22.5 inches. He had grown an inch in 3 weeks. I KNEW he had had a growth spurt. :)
Lexi woke up early from a nap and asked me if I would take her picture hugging Noah...
See? They can't keep their hands off of him.
Baby fingers...
I think I take a picture of him every time he is asleep. :)

Professional Photos

When Noah was 2.5 weeks old, we took him and the girls to get his newborn pictures and some great pictures of the three of them.

Good, huh?!