Yesterday was a big day for us...mostly for the girls! It was time for their 2 month check-up. I was really excited to see how much they had grown, but not excited about the shots. Of course we had issues with our insurance from the VA, so Eric had to go straighten some things out before they would check us in...this meant that we waited in the waiting room for 30 minutes or so. Then we got into the exam room, the babies woke up hungry and slightly grouchy.
Alexis weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21.5 inches!!! What a big girl! Lilly now weighs 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and is 22.45 inches in length! She is long and lean. I was so excited to see how good they are doing! I knew that they were growing but it is so much fun to measure them. They are now starting to fit into some of their 0-3 month clothes. I have actually had to pack up a few of their newborn outfits and all of their preemie stuff.
Dr. Riser (who is awesome, by the way!!) said that they are in the 7th and 10th percentile for their weights. I am not entirely sure what that means yet, but she was extremely pleased to see her little twins doing so well...she said that they are doing perfect!
Then came the shots...YUCK! Most of you know how squeemish I am around needles, and although I am much better now having had all the pregnancy and labor needle pricks (including the spinal), I was still worried that I would get faint watching someone put needles in my babies. When Lexi had to get the IV in the NICU, Eric had to hold her cause it upset me too much.
So Eric held the girls while they got 2 shots in one thigh and 1 in the other. I haven't heard them cry like that since the hospital and I felt so bad for them. They cried until we were walking out of the clinic and then they crashed! It was they were relieved to be leaving. Now we are dealing with the side effects...fussiness, tears, swollen thighs, and sleepiness. The sleepiness is okay! :) :) We have been giving them the infant tylenol and they LOVE the grape flavor.
I bet you all didn't realize this was such a long story...We get home and find more fire ants in the nursery. This time, they were in the bedding on the guest bed...all over too. It was so gross. Thankfully Eric had found them the day before under the bed and we had already placed out little traps. We got some that were safe around the babies and dogs, but it still makes me nervous. I just can't have fire ants in the house, and especially not in the girls' room. Do any of you know some safe remedies for getting rid of them? I want to put something outside the wall on the side of the house, but I have to think of the dogs. We have lots of open land behind the house with scrub and brush, so it makes it difficult. When we first moved in we had scorpions, snakes, and we still have tons of spiders here and there. I guess that's the joy of living close to the country.
So that was our crazy day! Woops, I hear a crying baby. I hope you all have a good day! Betty, I am trying my hand at making your BBQ brisket in the crock pot today. I will let you know how it turns out...probably not as good as yours! Love you all!