Friday, August 15, 2008

The girls are feeling better today. They were fussy and sore yesterday. I also forgot to mention the fun fact that they came home with Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck band-aids over their shots! I thought that was kind of cute.

Now, I want to mention that I am in complete awe of my babies smiles! They recently discovered their crib mobile. I tried for a long time to get them both smiling at the same time, but they wanted to take turns. So, I put the video up of Lilly smiling. They are so sweet and they are even starting to smile at other people besides just Eric and I. They talk constantly and it is so much fun talking to them and seeing them try to respond. They will also lay side by side and talk to each other. I love it!

So, here is smily Lilly...enjoy!

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