Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stain Removal Tip

I was introduced to the cleaning properties of hydrogen peroxide back when I was at UMHB. One of my housemates showed me how it gets blood stains out of clothing. This was great to know for the time when Sneezy got a bad cut and Eric's pants had blood spatters all over them.

Last week, I got took a pair of the girls tan pants that had a couple of unknown stains and got them out. These are the same pants that I had tried cleaning 3-4 times with Oxi-Clean and had no success. I just put them in my sink, poured some hydrogen peroxide over the spots, and left them for 3 hours. The stains are almost completely gone!! Yea!!

I read that it works on carpet too...Someone put a spray nozzle on an inexpensive bottle from the store and sprayed the peroxide on the stain. They left it on for about ten minutes, took warm water with a dish liquid containing lemon and blotted it up. It took the stain out of the carpet. I will have to try it sometime.

I can tell you from personal experience though that it works so great on blood stains, even when they are set in. It just may take more time and effort if they are set. I read that it might damage delicate fabrics, but I haven't had any problems yet.

Friday, February 5, 2010


I just listened to a JJ Heller song that I hadn't heard before and WOW!!! It is awesome! If you have a chance, check it out sometime. It's worth it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Love With Cooking...

I am cooking from scratch more often these days. Don't get me wrong, I still take shortcuts when I can, but am trying more and more things. This has led me to a wonderfully fun discovery....I am starting to...*gasp*...LOVE COOKING!!!!

It is truly exciting to me to serve my girls a warm slice of bread that I made....with my own hands! This also means that I am addicted to food blogs. I used to get frustrated when I would get a good recipe from a website that was complicated and had poor instructions. Not anymore...I cannot imagine how excited my mom would be to have access to food blogs. She might have even started one, come to think of it. :) Anyways, I am only saying all of this, because Eric and I are trying new recipes every week, and while he is way pickier than I am, we have found some definite keepers. My goal in the next few weeks is to include some of those awesome recipes on here.

Tonight, I am just going to link you all to a recipe that we tried last week. Do any of you have a secret love for Taco Bell?? I sure do, just ask my dad!!! I found this recipe for homemade Taco Bell Mexican Pizzas and they were truly better than the originals, plus super easy to make. We thought they had the exact flavor of the Taco Bell ones, but didn't leave you feeling overly full and heavy after eating them. :)

Eric wanted to help me out and cooked the tortillas on the grill instead of frying them. We used uncooked tortillas that you can find in the refrigerated section by the eggs at most grocery stores. And it was sooooooo good!! The girls even gobbled one up. :)

So if you like mexican pizzas, check out this amazing recipe and FABULOUS blog that I check regularly.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Black and White

I adore black and white photographs, but I really like sharp, contrasting ones. The other night we were having our girls night and because we missed our nap, the grumpies were here too!

I put on a Veggie Tales movie for the girls to calm down with before bed and managed to get some cute least of Lexi who was sitting still. Lilly was suddenly energized and wiggly. :)

My little Lexi cheeks....

She played peekaboo with Bob and Larry...

Later I managed to take a few of Lilly while she played. She is so funny...Her new favorite thing is to get a few different shaped blocks and put them in the right hole, over, and over, and over again! She sat on the floor like this saying, "Circle, square, circle, square" for about 20 minutes.
And last but not least, my sweet girls! Lilly giving me the best smile she could muster and Lexi not paying attention. :)