Saturday, September 6, 2008


Before the girls were born, I had never had any experience with the NICU except what I saw on t.v....thank goodness! Then the twins were born at 34 weeks, which could have been a very bad thing. But it wasn't, because God was in control and knew what He was doing!

Lilly only needed a little oxygen for about an hour and Lilly needed an IV the second night there for a minor feeding issue. That was it...the doctor just wanted to monitor them until they were 35 weeks and then if all was well, we could take them home. So their stay in the NICU was only from Monday evening until Saturday morning. They were home by lunch on Saturday. I never completely realized just how remarkable that was until now...I knew it was pretty awesome, but yesterday I was reminded just how blessed we really were.

Eric and I wanted to go check out the new Dick's Sporting Good store that opened in Harker Heights. On the way home, we flipped to the local country station and heard a lady telling the story of her little boy who had been in the Scott & White NICU because he was born really early. I knew it would make me sad but I kept listening....

They interviewed a nurse and were actually raising money for the NICU, so that was cool. They talked about the fact that the Scott & White NICU has 48 beds in it and they have 47 babies in there right now. The mother who told her story talked about seeing all of the other parents in there with their babies, some of whom would fit in the palm of your hand and some of which didn't make it home. Of course I was in tears by now.

To think of all those precious little babies in there fighting for their lives and all of those other parents dealing with that intense's awful. I was once again SO THANKFUL for what God had done for us and our innocent little girls.

It could have been much worse, and as a matter of fact, if the girls had been born just 2 days earlier, they would have had to be in that other NICU with all of those other babies. Instead, they were in a Level 2 NICU (much better) and were the only babies in there. I was worried enough about them, and it would have been much scarier for me to see all those other little babies struggling. God protected my heart and my children! He protected my daughter's lives and gave me my healthy little angels to take home! Thank you, God!

So on this beautiful Saturday morning, I sit here in the living room beside 2 little bouncers. In one, I have a chubby-cheeked little girl named Lexi sleeping soundly in her pink and purple flowered pajamas, and in the other one, is little Lilly. Her head is drooping as she tries not to go back to sleep for a nap. Praise God! :)

Lilly in the NICU at 3 days old. She had just been fed and was being burped!

Here is Lexi being burped. She is also 3 days old in this picture. My dad and Debbie had come down to visit us again in the hospital, since I was super emotional, and he took these pictures for us!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I knew that the girls were growing but when you are with them every day, you don't notice the changes as much. I am amazed when I look back at some of the pictures taken the day after we got home from the hospital.

Here they are at 6 days old...

And then yesterday...12.5 weeks old. They turn 3 months old on Tuesday!!

They grow up too fast but everyday is so much fun!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What made her laugh...

I have been asked what it was that made Lilly laugh...

Well, that would the be the silly antics of her daddy! I really needed to do the dishes and Lilly was fussy. So Eric sat on the couch and propped her up on his legs so I could do dishes. He was doing his higher-pitched, goofy-daddy voice and was telling her over and over, "Sooooooo pretty! Yes, you are! Just such a pretty, pretty girl!"

She obviously agreed and thought daddy was the sweetest, coolest guy ever. I heard her laugh twice super loud above the sound of the running water in the kitchen. I went running in the living room asking if she had just laughed, and the look on Eric's face gave me my answer. It was a sweet and beautiful moment!

We then spent the next 5 minutes laughing and smiling and trying to get her to repeat. She, of course, started crying. :) Go figure!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Guess what?

I would just like to announce to the world that my darling Lilly Anne Sanford laughed today for the first time. Both girls have been laughing without sound for a week or so now, but today was the first "out loud" laugh that we have heard.

I am soooooo proud and don't think I have ever heard a better sound in my life. Now I can't wait for Lexi to do it!! :)

Monday, September 1, 2008

We had a picture taking kind of day...

Well, Sunday rolled around and since I actually had makeup on from going to church, we decided to take some fun pictures of us!

One tired little girl...Lilly-Bug!

Daddy cuddles with his girl and her Winnie the Pooh bear!

Lilly is looking out the window at the bright sky!

Lilly and Mommy hanging out!

Daddy and Mommy relaxing after the girls went to bed! They are now sleeping at least 5-7 hours straight every night...with the occasional awesome 9 or 10 hour night! They rock!

Lexi's all clean after her bath! They are really starting to like the bathtub now.
Isn't it obvious that these are my first babies?...I can't get enough pictures of them! They are mommy's little angels!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Okay, so I have to agree with Eric's entry...although he probably took only about half of the pictures shown. I do make him look at every single picture I take though. :) He is a wonderful dad and doesn't mind a bit.

I am trying to get him to write on the blog more often and thought that was a fun first post! It made me laugh. Here is a funny story about the new daddy...

First of all, Eric is SUPER helpful with the girls. He has changed quite a lot of diapers. The other day I came home from the dentist and he had a story for me...Apparently Lilly had messed her diaper and not 20 seconds later was leaking out. Eric said he heard a noise and by the time he got to the swing, it had squeezed out up to her chest. I don't say this to gross anyone out, but I am sure you can imagine Eric's reaction to the situation. He ran her to the nursery and later said, "I cleaned her up enough I hope, but you might want to give her a bath in case I missed anything!" It was hilarious!!

So yesterday I was doing something and had my hands full. I heard a groan from Lexi and then a LOUD toot..well, you mothers know that there is a toot, and then there is a toot where you know something came with it. I called for Eric to grab her and check her diaper. He ran in the living room and immediately picked her up. I guess by the time he got her to their room, she had leaked everywhere. He got her all cleaned up and was about to put on a clean diaper when she peed all over him. I bet some of you thought girls couldn't do that. Well, let me tell you, they can..I know from several personal experiences with my girls.

As Eric tells it, he cleaned up the pee and finally thought he was in the clear when she decided to spit up all over the place...he he he!! Poor Daddy! I love it that he gets some of these experiences. I am sure he will cherish these memories forever! :) And as soon as he gets her cleaned up, he is lovin' on her and smiling at her again! It's the most precious thing ever!

I am feeling long winded today, so here is another story about Eric. As some of you know, Eric joined the Air Force at age 17. He was a military policeman. After getting out of the military, he was a policeman for a couple of REALLY ROUGH places...East St. Louis and Washington DC. Needless to say, he can handle a weapon.

Eric and my father took the class together and got their concealed handgun licenses a few months back and since then Eric has purchased a couple more guns. Now, I am fairly nervous around guns unless handled by my father or Eric. But last night, when we had a scare in the middle of the night, I had a realization. I have always known that Eric was the perfect man for me and that God brought him into my life at the right time, but I am often struck by the extra little ways that Eric is perfect for me...

God knew that I needed a man that could protect me. We heard a couple of loud noises in the yard around 1 am and Eric got up to check it out. Then when we were sure it was nothing, we let the dogs outside and Sneezy went nuts and ran around the house barking. I jumped in fear and Eric went to the bedroom and got his gun out. He then snuck outside and walked the perimeter of the house. Although I was still freaked out for a couple of hours (it was probably only one of the wild cats in the neighborhood), I was so thankful to have a husband who could protect his family like that.

Eric is a wonderful man, husband, and now father!! I am one lucky woman! :) Love you sweetie!