QUICK UPDATE: I follow the blog of little Kayleigh Anne Freeman and her family. This sweet little one is almost the same age as the twins. She was born really early and never got to leave the hospital. She died last night and I cannot imagine what her family is going through...PLEASE keep the Freemans in your prayers! Also, tomorrow their story will be on "The Doctors". Watch it or DVR it if you get a chance...but keep kleenex close by when you watch it!Here is the link to their blog...www.kayleighannefreeman.blogspot.com Yesterday we got the girls ready after breakfast and went to the zoo in Waco...Cameron Park Zoo. This is one of my absolute favorite places to go. It was really a great day to be there. We figured a Monday morning would be really slow, but when we pulled up, we noticed that it was school field trip day...AHHHHH!!!
It was still okay since we happened to get there as large groups were leaving and before the next wave of them got there. It was also really humid and getting warm as we arrived. While we knew that was likely, we weren't excited about it. I had the girls covered in sunscreen and little hats ready...THEN, God blessed us!! A cold front blew in as we were standing at our first exhibit. It got really cloudy and a cold breeze started blowing. It was suddenly PERFECT!! We were cool the whole time we were there and the animals were frisky as they enjoyed the weather change!!
While we still took a few pictures of the animals, we took many more of the kiddos this time. I think they laughed the entire time and I loved hearing their little gasps of excitement as they noticed a new critter! Lilly said, "turtle" just clear as day when I showed her a turtle.
Lilly also loves to say our dog Sneezy's name now...so when I asked her what her favorite thing at the zoo was, she said, "Zeezy!!" We about died laughing!!
These are our favorite thing to take pictures of at the zoo...the water lillies at the entrance!

Pop Quiz: Anyone know what this guy is? Mommas kept telling their kids he was an otter and I didn't know how to tell them they were wrong, so I just smiled at Eric and told our girls the truth! ;)

Our silly bear...
This pelican and the girls were in love with each other...they just kept gazing at one another!!

Here is Mommy and Lexi at the entrance...Daddy bought them the cutest little hats that said, "Cameron Park Zoo".

Taking a break by the otters with Lexi! The otters were snoozing under a tree, so no swimming today! Sorry, Jessica...she licked all over the Snugli. I promise to clean it well before I return it! Thanks for the loan!

Daddy and Lilly having a break...

Miss Lilly wanted to show me what a doll she is in sunglasses!

Daddy and his Lexi...we switched babies mid-zoo!

We rented a little wagon to carry our stuff in and for when the girls got heavy...they couldn't keep their tooshies down! It was just too exciting!

All done...I think the girls had a blast!!

See....We got in the car and drove, literally, 4 miles down the road to the gas station. They were already passed out!!

Too cute not to share...Eric and Lexi's "We love the Zoo Dance!!"