Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Friday

We have been soooooo busy lately. It's been a blast!

First, I have an announcement...are those training pants I see??
I am having a hard time keeping diapers on these 2 little girls lately. They now take off their pants and diapers, throw them on the ground, and beg to go potty. They mostly like to wash their hands and pretend to go potty, but we have had a few successes and it's getting exciting. A little scary for me, but still exciting!

We've also been having lots of Easter fun! Eric and I took the girls to their first Easter egg hunt on Good Friday, and then to their 2nd Easter egg hunt today. They did not enjoy standing in the sun for 10 minutes, being told they couldn't run onto the field for those pretty eggs. They almost got grumpy about it, but then they saw the Easter Bunny!! They screamed with excitement. The girls were extra sweet about not running over the other kids too. They were so happy every time they got to pick up an egg and put it in their basket/bucket.

At first they just couldn't stop talking about the easter bunny, but then they saw all the kids and got a bit giggly. I love how they hold hands with their Daddy!
Lexi was wondering when they were ever gonna let her run out there...
Lilly needed a Daddy snuggle to keep the grumpies away...
YEA!!!! Lexi found 4 eggs and Lilly got 3...a perfect amount for them!
See those white furry legs? The Easter Bunny walked right by Lilly and Lexi, and WAVED at them! I think this was more exciting than seeing Santa! They love bunnies anyway, and here was a fun GIANT one. Lilly was trying to get him to come back...
A girl and her father!!
Yum! After getting our eggs, we took a seat together to see what was in them. Lilly had her first Tootsie Roll. Now, I gotta tell you that this was ONE of my favorite memories. My 3 favorite people in the world sitting together. In the background, they were playing, "This Little Light of Mine." The girls love this song and know all the words. So here we were, munching on tootsie rolls, and Lexi was talking to Daddy while Lilly sang along with the song. She sang it so sweetly too, with candy stuffed in her mouth! It was just sweet and innocent.

Lilly going for more...

This was while she was singing...look how happy she is (she's on the right)!!
Did I mention that the local egg hunt was at our new community park and softball fields? Maybe Lilly is dreaming about playing softball one day!
The girls then got to sit in the Easter Bunny's lap for a few pictures (note the new blog header photo). They were so happy. I even bumped Lilly in the head with the camera right before it was our turn, and she was crying pretty hard. I asked her if she wanted to wait another minute until she felt better, or if she was okay. She looked up with a sob, spotted that bunny waving at her again, and giggled. All better!!

The evening was already perfect...or so we thought! When we got home, Eric checked the mail and what do you suppose was in there? Well take a look!

My sweet friend Jessica sent these darling little bunnies for the girls. At first they thought they were chocolate and Lexi licked hers. Ha ha ha!! Now they fight over them and just adore them!!

Well we hope you all have a wonderful Easter tomorrow! Enjoy your families and celebrate the holiday that is about WAY more than just eggs, bunnies, and chocolate! God bless!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lovin' It!!

Isn't being a mom wonderful!??!! However, the girls can drive me nuts on a daily basis and I find myself asking God what I am supposed to do in a lot of situations. I really want to be a good mom and am trying my best. Some days it takes more work, but I have always known that I was meant to be a mom and a wife and I am SO grateful to have this opportunity. I just uploaded pictures from my phone onto my computer and found myself sitting here staring at the sweetest little faces I could ever imagine. It still strikes me as odd somedays that these soft, dimpled goobers are mine.

I love it when Lexi looks up at me with her little smirk and says, "Oh Mommy!" and then hugs me.

I love it how Lilly thanked our waiter at lunch today for almost everything he did for the other ladies at our table.

I love how they hug and kiss each other every single day.

I love so many things about these girls that there is no blog long enough to hold the details....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Girls

Just my girls...Lilly doing her Cookie Monster impression and Lexi getting her blocks in the shape sorter.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Balloon Madness

Today Lexi had a MAJOR meltdown in the Target parking lot that lasted the entire drive home, plus a little after we got home. You see, these girls love, love, love balloons!! It is an obsession. The girls got red balloons at HEB about 3 weeks back and they still occasionally ask for them and cry about them being gone.

So picture this....we are walking to our car outside Target, when the girls spot a double jogging stroller 2 aisles over. This wasn't any normal stroller, but the stroller of identical twin girls who were apparently celebrating their 1st birthday and happened to have pink princess balloons tied to their stroller.

So Lilly starts screaming, "Mine!!! Mine!!! My BALLOONS!!!" Then Lexi starts in with her screams of anger. She was screaming something that sounded similar to what Lilly was saying, but was slightly harder to understand. I got Lilly into the car and she calmed down. I thought maybe they were just tired and cranky. It was also time for lunch.

When I tried to put Lexi in her carseat, she squirmed sooo much and pinched her leg in the seat...just a tiny bit, but enough to really upset her. By the time I finally got her to stop squirming so much and got her strapped in properly, it had been about 3 minutes. The girls with the balloons were already in the store!!

Well, Miss Lexi cried SO hard all the way home that she was even trying to make herself gag and throw up. Thankfully she didn't succeed. I almost pulled over 3 times, which is a lot considering I live 5 minutes down the road from Target.

Eric helped me talk to her when we got home, but it was no use. She continued her fit for another 10 minutes or so, making Lilly cry because she didn't know what was wrong with "sister!!" In a few minutes she realized I was feeding Lilly lunch and decided to join us in the kitchen.

The funniest part was that I fully intended to take them to HEB today and let them get a balloon!! But not after that attitude!

Since I finally copied all my cell phone videos off the phone and onto my computer, I can show you all how excited they get with balloons. These are my SUPER happy little girls a few weeks back when they got their balloons at HEB. They continued screaming like this for hours after we got home!

Backyard Fun

Our backyard has sort of been...well, off limits to little feet. The backyard was doggie territory and it was just not baby/toddler proof. Eric has been working really hard over the past week to remedy that fact. Yesterday he finished cleaning up everything and it was time to release the kiddos and let them explore. I am super excited about this, especially since it will be easier to watch them run around this summer. I am going to put their little pool out there and the sprinkler when it gets hot.

Of course, I had to take some pictures of their first backyard adventure!! This is Lilly's surprised face when I told her we could go out there.

Lexi was much more mellow at the time...
Wow, we can really go out there? Cool, here we come!!
14.5 year old, balding, deaf, and DARLING little Toby!!!
Watching the neighbors mow their grass through the 4 children!!
Cool wall, sister!
Daddy showing them how to spin in their big yard!
Happy, happy Lilly!!

Hey Sneezy, you sure are cute!
You could use a big hug!
Are you in there, Pete and Kelia?...Lilly was trying to find her friends.
Twirling Lexi...
All in all, it was a lot of fun. As I sit here and write this, they are begging to go out there again. I think this will be a daily activity for sure....