Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sick Babies
These are 2 little girls who have never had a fever and always hover around 98.4 or we freaked out. The triage nurse told us to give them baby tylenol and give it an hour. If the temps were still high, get them to the ER. Well, Lexi's fever kept going up and Lilly's was stable for a while and then went up.
Needless to say, we went to the ER. If I have never mentioned it before, I LOVE our hospital. I wish King's Daughters could stay just the way it is forever, but that is another subject...
After taking vitals and getting a thorough exam by the doc, he determined that they had an ear infection. Thankfully it was in the beginning stages, so they gave the girls a shot of antibiotics to get it over with. Now, here comes the crazy part of the story...there were 3 nurses giving the girls their shots. Two nurses to hold each leg and give a shot in each leg, and the third to help out. At this point, the girls were 3 hours past their bedtime, so while they were still super sweet and smiley, they did not react well to 2 needles being inserted into their thighs.
After Lilly went, it was Lexi's turn. I was holding Lilly, trying to calm her down and Eric was holding Lexi's arms and face while she got her shots. I happened to be watching the needle in Lexi's left thigh just in time to see the syringe fly off the needle and antibiotic shoot across the room, squirting everyone but me and Lilly. Now the nurse didn't do anything must have been a faulty syringe and it is the weirdest thing I have ever seen happen. Poor Lexi...that needle jolted in her little leg when it popped and it started bleeding. Then I notice Eric look nervous and start blinking a lot...
He calmly says to the nurses, "Now I do believe that I just got antibiotic splashed in my eye. Should I be worried?" He was chuckling a little. It burned for a few minutes, but they said he would be fine. He kept joking around that at least he couldn't get an eye infection for a while.
We ended up being there a little longer since someone had come in that they did not want us being exposed we hung out in the room for about another 25 minutes and then got to go home. The girls were asleep by the time we got the car running. :)
I just hate having them feel rotten...they have been absolutely precious, even in their grumpiness. Today they have been all smiles in between the tears and mild fevers and we even spent the day in our jammies snuggling and playing. I hope they feel all better tomorrow!
Please pray that they are not dehydrated...I have given them sooooooooo much to drink that I do not know how that would be possible, but they are not peeing a lot, so I will be up all night checking on them. I will post some happy face pictures tomorrow, but until then....goodnight!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Water Babies and Doors

She actually let me get a picture of her in a hat...

And last, but not least, our new back door finally got put in...after 7 weeks of waiting! Here is the old sliding glass door...

Monday, June 15, 2009
Friends and Dinner
When I was a student at UMHB, I babysat for the coolest family. I have missed them terribly over the years and love getting to see them every so often. When I first met them, the twins, Kate and Ryan, were 6 months old...they are now 9!! Peyton was 2.5 years old and will be 12 in November!! How did that happen so fast??...of course, that is also what Eric and I say when we realize we are going to be 30 on our next birthdays!! :(
So today, Kem and the three kiddos stopped by to bring the girls birthday presents. It was soooooo nice to see them and just hang out with them for a while. I had to take a picture with all of them. I used to say that I was going to go play with my Peyton and my twins!! Now that I really do have my own twins, it is really cool to see them all together!

From left to right: Kate with Lilly, Peyton, and Lexi with Ryan
Lexi playing in her new tutu before bathtime!
Then came time for dinner...I think I may have mentioned once or twice before how AWESOME my husband is, and I need to do it again. Eric has to have meat with a meal or it isn't a real weird! :) So when we went to HEB yesterday, I let him pick out some good meats for meals. He picked these sausages as an option. He volunteered to grill them for me...even in 100 degree heat, and they were amazing!! They were turkey sausages with spinach and feta cheese and were made by HEB...for those of you without this grocery store chain, I feel sorry for you!! It is the best!!! :)
So after a crazy day with 2 semi-fussy/grumpy babies, my sweet husband went out in the heat and made us some dinner. We just wrapped them in tortillas and YUM!!! I just loaded the dishwasher...I LOVE HIM!!!! Thanks, honey!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009
Weekend Fun
Ever since Nana (Eric's momma) cheered for the girls when they put on their sunglasses, they have been wearing them a lot more. Here is Lexi showing off her glamorous pajama look!!

Lexi now likes to hold onto Eric's face when he is trying to set her on his's a bit awkward for him. :)

The girls take time everyday to lounge in their big girl chairs! These are a HUGE hit...thanks, Mike and Holly!!

Have a great week everyone!!