Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Many Faces of Lexi

Does anyone else adore all the cute little faces that their kids make? I love the way they are so free with their expressions. The other night Lexi was in posing-for-the-camera mode. So I took advantage. She would stick her face towards the camera and say, "Cheese!" as loud as she could. Lilly wanted to sit with Eric and laugh at her sister. So here is little Lexi posing away...

Gotta love little faces!! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sticker Faces

Last week, we had to buy the girls some new shoes (AGAIN!!) and after getting them some cute tennis shoes, I realized that they might need some flip-flops for going to the pool and the beach this summer. So we went to Children's Place for their 2 for $5 sale. Well the manager of the store is a sweet girl and friend of a friend. So naturally, she gave the girls some stickers. :)

They were having the absolute best time with the stickers, that I got into my sticker stash when we got home. We probably spent 35 minutes decorating and re-decorating ourselves with stickers. The girls loved sticking them to my nose and chin. Lilly was more into than Lexi, but Lexi still had a blast. Lilly couldn't get enough on her face and kept looking down cross-eyed to see the daisy on her nose. :) I HAVE to buy more stickers!

Eric walked in from school only to find us sitting on the fireplace with stickers all over our faces. So we attacked him with stickers too!

Lilly Anne...

Lexi had already taken a bunch off by the time I got my camera out...
More Lilly...
So serious, Lex?
Afterwards, I tried their swimsuits on them and had them go hug Daddy and tell him they were ready for swimming and summertime. They were both shouting quite loudly, "Ready for summer, Daddy!" I think they are ADORABLE in their little swimsuits.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Giveaway at SnoWhite's Blog!

Hey guys! Go check out my FAVORITE food blog and enter to win an ice cream maker too!!!

My Little Helpers

Monday, April 19, 2010


Cute, huh?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Seriously?!! Just A Month and Half Until...

For some reason, I decided to look through the girls newborn pictures tonight. I just can't believe that this was almost 2 years ago. My sweet little boogers have grown so much. They turned 22 months old last week and while I didn't blog about it, we had a great day being together. They really haven't changed too much since they turned 21 months, but they are talking, talking, talking, and hamming it up. They will both do a "fake laugh" and an "evil laugh" if you ask them to. They sing all the time. They hug, hold hands, recognize who is who in their pictures, bite each other, and are basically BFFBT....Best Friends Forever, Born Together!

They have been saying the alphabet for a while now although they still get stuck on a few letters. For about 2 weeks, they sang, "ABCD-HEB-QRSTUVWXYZ". I think the grocery store chain would be flattered to hear that. They count to 14 without any problems, and can even identify a lot of numbers. Lexi told her Daddy that it was a 5 on his $5 bill. Smart girl!

Today I watched them put their dolls and "Sheepy" into baby strollers and tell them "Good Morning, sweetie pie! How are you? What ya doin?" They are absolutely the cutest, bossiest, funniest, most gentle and stubborn little things I could ever imagine! Thank God for my darling Lilly & Lexi!!! I love you both and can't wait to celebrate many more months and years with you both!

Can you believe it's been almost 2 years since Lexi passed her car seat test in the NICU? That's crazy! I LOVE how her newborn socks were almost up to her knees and fell off all the time. She was 4 days here and this was the first time we got to sit her up and get her dressed. What a day!
Then we have a seriously stretching Lilly Bug! She was 2 days old here and once again wearing the GIANT newborn socks. I remember wondering when they would ever fit into newborn stuff. Ha!
It's been the best, almost-2 years of my life!!

Life is...

Seriously, these little girls ROCK! Granted, they aren't perfect. The tantrums that can be thrown...yikes. But they are still such great girls. I can't, and don't want to, imagine life without them. They love wearing their sunglasses on their heads "like the big girls".

How is life in our world?? Well, Eric has one more week of classes and papers, then a day and a half more where he will take a couple finals and turn in his big papers. After that, we are off on a summer adventure!! He was recently accepted into a cool internship at Lamar University. He will be working with some professors and graduate students on their research. So we are securing someone to come stay at our house, packing up the kids and dogs, and going together! I am pretty excited, yet overwhelmed at all the things I need to get done in the next 4 weeks. Plus, I am coming back to have the girls 2nd birthday party after just a couple of weeks.

It will be an adventure though. It was really hard to find a 3 month lease with furniture, that allowed 2 dogs. God was faithful though and we found a great place. The best part is that it is in a safe area with TONS of shopping. Well, maybe the shopping part if not too good, but I CAN control myself people. :)

We will be close to some great beaches...I adore High Island for all its birding glory. I think the girls are going to love it too! We are planning a little day trip for their birthday so they can experience the beach for the first time.

So I may soon be blogging from East Texas, when I can get internet, of course. Pray it is a good trip and that we get everything down there without incident. We are probably going to need to give Sneezy a small sedative since he does NOT travel well and it's a 5 hour drive. I will post more updates as I have them.

Until then, here is some more about what the girls have been up to lately...

Banging on the fence is a favorite...