Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Good Times For All...

My darling Lilly is getting her third tooth in today!! YEA!! They are growing and changing so much and it's really fun to watch.

Lilly showing off her growing locks and current 2 teeth...

Miss Lexi and her "huh" face...

The girls are now HUGE fans of teething biscuits...what messy, happy kiddos! I like them because I can get dinner ready while the girls munch away.
Lilly above, Lexi below...

Lexi wearing her new crocs...they were on sale at our new Children's Place for $3.74 a pair. That is the only way I can afford to buy both girls shoes these days...gotta love a good sale!!
Believe it or not, the twins go through phases of looking more and more alike, and then they change again and look super different (at least to Eric and I). They have been looking different the past month or so, but Eric noticed yesterday that they are transitioning again to looking exactly alike. Poor Daddy!!
They are almost walking...should be soon. They are finally caught up in clothing sizes and pretty much wear 12 month stuff now. I packed up the last of the 6-9 month and 6-12 month outfits today, but they are still in size 2 diapers. :)
They climb on everything...especially the couch. They can climb up and down without our help and even try to jump off occasionally. Talk about needing adult supervision!! :) They love to dance and clap to everything, and it seems like someone says a new word every day.
Lilly cheers me on for everything with clapping and yelling, "Yea!!", while Lexi just discovered that she loves to say "Weeeeeee!!" as we swing. They love to be outside and adore every moment spent in their red wagon.
Every day is a new adventure and I am so thankful for it!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Momma and Her Girls

Today Eric's class was cancelled, so the 4 of us got to hang out together all day. The girls were super cuddly for a while before their morning nap, so I used that time as an excuse to take pictures of the girlies. Lexi wasn't all that interested in posing for the camera, but my little Lilly would smile at the camera and say "cheese!" with me!

Here is Lexi trying not to act interested...

Silly girls... Lilly and Mommy hamming it up...

Lovely baby...

Daddy took a few with all three of his girls!! Lilly is wearing the green and Lexi is wearing the red...

I look a little nuts in this one, but this was what Eric got as both girls decided to squirm out of my arms and go play with their toys was a funny moment and I thought I would share anyway!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Father's Day...1 Week Late

I do realize that last Sunday was Father's Day. But since we had 2 sick babies and were in the ER, I figure Eric will forgive me and let me blog about it today. :)

Last year, the girls were born on Monday, the 9th...
We stayed in the hospital until the girls were discharged from the NICU on Saturday, the 14th...
We got home with our precious little bundles around lunch on Saturday, AND...the next day was Eric's FIRST Father's Day!!! Pretty special if you ask me!!

We had not had much sleep that entire week, but we were beyond thrilled to go home with 34 week old twins after only 5 days of observation in the NICU!! My Dad and Debbie even came to visit on Father's Day and Debbie stayed with us to help out...thanks again!! :)

But I was still recovering and our world was a whole new place...there were no gifts or cards and I felt kind of bad for that later. This year was more normal and celebratory, although nothing will ever replace the special 1st Father's Day that Eric had, and he will be the first to tell you that!
The night that a new Daddy brought his girls home...
Eric's 1st Father's Day...He is such a great Daddy, from Day One!!
And a couple more...Eric with 1 month old fussy girls. Nothing phases him!!

A wonderful Daddy snuggling his girls! I forget where I was, but I had gone somewhere and this was what I saw when I came through the garage door!

Then here is MY wonderful Dad on his 1st Father's Day with these two little squirts!!