Lilly showing off her growing locks and current 2 teeth...

Miss Lexi and her "huh" face...

Lexi wearing her new crocs...they were on sale at our new Children's Place for $3.74 a pair. That is the only way I can afford to buy both girls shoes these days...gotta love a good sale!!

They are almost walking...should be soon. They are finally caught up in clothing sizes and pretty much wear 12 month stuff now. I packed up the last of the 6-9 month and 6-12 month outfits today, but they are still in size 2 diapers. :)
They climb on everything...especially the couch. They can climb up and down without our help and even try to jump off occasionally. Talk about needing adult supervision!! :) They love to dance and clap to everything, and it seems like someone says a new word every day.
Lilly cheers me on for everything with clapping and yelling, "Yea!!", while Lexi just discovered that she loves to say "Weeeeeee!!" as we swing. They love to be outside and adore every moment spent in their red wagon.
Every day is a new adventure and I am so thankful for it!!
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