Saturday, December 27, 2008
Separate Cribs
You see, they were in separate cribs in the NICU for their first 5 days of life. They always slept on their sides turned towards one another from across the room. They wanted to be together then and it was soooooo sweet. When they were 3 days old, our sweet NICU nurse, brought Lexi over to her sister's crib for a few moments. Their little legs touched and they grabbed each others hands. Then they fell asleep about 5 seconds later...they were so relaxed and calm when they were together again and I just feel bad about separating them. I know it will be okay, but I am having a sappy mom moment and thought I would write about it!
I'll let ya'll know how the rest of the night goes...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
One of the cool things that the girls got in their stockings were these sippy cups. Now the girls are eating cereal 3 times a day, but they have never had anything to drink out of a cup yet. So I was super curious to see what they would do. I put a tiny bit of milk in them and offered them to the girls. Lilly chewed on hers like it was too weird and then let Eric take it away. She will get the hang of it...Lexi, however, immediately started drinking it up. Then she took ahold of the handles and continued to drink. Eric took these pictures. You can tell that Lexi is more into than Lilly.

So Christmas may be over for this year, but the Sanfords are still all aglow with joy and happiness and are looking forward to a new year of exciting adventures!!! The girls have a lot more "firsts" to come!! They'll turn 1 before I know it!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Week Thus Far...
After the girls had their lunch this afternoon, Eric and I made some Christmas cookies while the girls sat in their highchairs and looked on, learning all about butter and stirring! :) Then we went on a walk around the neighborhood, opened presents, sang Christmas carols, learned about the true meaning of Christmas, and snuggled A LOT!! It wasn't too cold out today, but it was brisk and cool. The girls had been up for a few hours by the time we walked around the block, so they crashed!!

Here is Lexi sound asleep...

Eric took this one without the flash and I blurred it a little more. I think it just makes Lilly look like such an angel (which she is). The next one is Lexi sound asleep after an hour of shopping!
We also got them some new onesies at WalMart the other day. I love putting them in long sleeved onesies. They are comfortable and really cute. I thought these were extra adorable and only $3 you don't stress out when spit up goes all down them! :) First is Lilly swinging and then Lexi showing off "Mom and Dad's best present ever!"

Sunday, December 21, 2008
A Super Fun Saturday

Then around 6:30 last night, we were playing with the girls and trying to keep them awake until bedtime. The girls new favorite thing is The Wiggles. They will shake around and try to dance to their songs. Eric and I played the song, "Shake your Sillies Out" which is the current favorite, and helped them dance. Then a few minutes later, Lilly, while sitting in her jumperoo, started jumping around like crazy. This went on for at least 45 minutes before we put her to bed. She just kept going and going. Even when Eric was giving her a bottle before bed, she kept wiggling her legs and bouncing around. It was too funny!! This is a short clip of her jumping around. I have some longer ones, but this gives you an idea of what she did that whole time.
The video is a little jumpy but I was sitting is all Lilly!! Some of the lines to the song are, "Jump, jump, jump your jiggles out", "Shake, shake, shake your sillies out", "Nod, nod, nod your naughties out", "Clap, clap, clap your crazies out", and "Wiggle all your wobbles away!". It's just a fun kid song!!
We also got some great video footage of Lexi hanging out under the Christmas tree and then suddenly ripping open a present. I don't think she originally meant to do this but once she got started, it was too fun to stop. We will try to post that one on YouTube soon.