Saturday, February 13, 2010

Come Here Beautiful...

If you are my Facebook friend, you may have already seen this, but I am LOVING this story and never want to forget it, so here it is again...

Tonight my cousin and her son were here for a wonderful visit. We got the girls all ready for bed and were about to tuck them in and say their prayers, when Lilly did the cutest darn thing....

She told Eric, "Come here, beautiful", and then grabbed his ears so she could pull him close and kiss him goodnight. It was the sweetest thing. I heard her say it the first time, but had my back to them. Then she said it again and I almost melted. I'm not sure where she heard that phrase, but she does love her Daddy!!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The big 3-0 and 20 months!!

Tuesday I turned 30 years old! Woohoo, I guess. It just felt weird. I realize that 30 is not old, but as a kid, I always thought that 30 meant adulthood and I don't feel like a grown-up yet. :) You'd think the husband, 2 toddlers, and the mortgage would make me feel like a grown-up, but I feel the same as I did in high school.

Anyways, my favorite thing about my birthday is that my girls share the date as their "month" birthday. So they turned 20 months old the same day. AND Eric's 30th birthday was the next day. It was a big week, even without the sick kiddos.

Eric was a doll and didn't make me cook all day on my birthday. We got Subway for lunch and then we went out to Cracker Barrel for our joint birthday dinner.

The birthday girls LAST year...29 years and 8 months
The birthday girls THIS year...30 years and 20 months! Lilly is still on the left and Lexi is on the right. We thought it would be fun to take the same picture exactly 1 year later.
Daddy and his sweeties!
Lexi then Lilly...
The family all ready for pancakes...

Lilly kept herself busy coloring and pointing to the fireplace saying, "Fire, Mommy!" until the food came...
Lexi had fun coloring too....
She also loved watching other people...
Lilly started getting fussy when her biscuits took too long to get to us...
Back home...Lilly and Daddy!
Miss Alexis...they are growing up too fast!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I thought maybe my sweet, happy girls had disappeared this week...turns out they have ear infections. I wish I had caught it sooner, but I thought it was just teething pain. But there have been a couple of things that made them happy no matter how they were feeling. The biggest one is a game we have named, "Oopsie!" Once they discovered that their crayons fit perfectly down the umbrella hole in their picnic table, the fun was about to begin...they take turns dropping crayons down the hole and say "Oopsie" every time a crayon hits the floor. :) We have several variations of the game, but mostly because it keeps mommy from getting bored as I pick up crayons off the floor and give them back to the girls. One variation is naming the colors as the crayons drop. Last night we played this game for 35 minutes. As long as they have fun, right? :)

Please excuse Lexi's little farm girl look...she had gotten something all over her shirt so I just let her run around in her overalls 'til bath time. It's kind of cute though.

See, total cuteness!!!
They also love to wrestle A LOT!! In this picture, there is a lot of laughter going on...about 3 minutes later, someone won't get off of the other one and then the biting and crying starts. Then I put the camera down and pull them apart. Gotta love it!

Lilly thinks playing games with her sister is the best!!!

I have so much to post, but will stick with this for now. I'll try and catch up this weekend. Two sick, non-napping, and crying toddlers are keeping me pretty occupied. :)