Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Oh Dear
Eric has now decided to start a blog of his own for political reform are super excited now, huh Dad??? :) Anyways, Eric has been politely debating his political science professor this semester and has won the man's respect. His professor said that not only is he impressed with Eric's ability to voice his opinions in class, but also his ability to state facts to back up his comments. Apparently the professor will be bringing Eric a Diet Coke on Monday to thank him for his participation.
He made a comment in class the other day that the professor did not think was true and Eric said that he would look it up and write a short "thing" on the facts that made what he said true...well as of tonight, Eric has a 10 page paper written pointing out the truth of what he said in class. I told him that this paper should go on his blog when he gets it up and running...I will let you all know the address for that when we set it up.
Sorry to talk politics...not my favorite subject, but obviously a VERY important topic these days!! Make sure you vote!!!
I am now off to put 2 little babies to bed. Nightey night all!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cute Pictures!

Next we have Lilly with her bear blanket and below her is Lexi with hers...
This is Lexi all dressed up in one of her outfits off of craigslist. It also has a matching jacket with Winnie the Pooh on it.
Lilly and Lexi enjoying their boppy! (Lilly is first and then Lexi)
The girls on tummy time! They love their new Baby Einstein Octopus.
This one is funny...I tried this new duckie romper on Lilly and then we went into the living room to show daddy and she was suddenly really upset at this thing on her head! She has no idea how cute she was! :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Little Bugs & More

Here are some more photos of them noticing new things and exploring their world....

We may end up with 2 marine biologists by the way the girls watch the fish on their swing! Daddy will definitely be taking his girls fishing!
Lilly was also checking out her sheets before she rolled herself over for the first time!! She also does the leg motions to try and crawl. She just doesn't go anywhere yet! :)