We had a nice weekend. Last week was spring break and the girls were sick for most of it. They are finally getting that last molar in and I hope they finish coming in quickly. So by the weekend, the fevers were gone and we were able to go play a little bit. The girls joined me in the bathroom on Sunday morning while I was getting dressed. Lexi asked me if I would straighten her hair too, but Lilly informed me that she preferred curly hair. :) I still pulled her hair back with one of my clips which made her smile a lot...

This was Lexi's "do" before the straightening iron...

And after...too grown-up looking for this Mommy!

Lilly and her curls...

The after a good morning, we headed outside to finish working on our flower bed. I am so excited to see the plants and flowers start growing. Of course, the girls wanted to wear wings and be fairies. They wanted to help make it spring.

Lilly Fairy...

Lexi tried to help Daddy a lot...

We planted a little box of impatiens to brighten up our doorway..

Lilly also pretended that the brick border was a balance beam...

Lexi - Look Mommy, flowers!

A flower for my flower...

They decorated the horse swing with dandelions...


Lexi helping carry out gardening tools for Daddy...

Lilly loves the bulb digger...

I loved it when Lilly just sat down on the bricks and quietly watched her daddy. It was really sweet how serious she was about it all...

Happy Spring to you all too!