We had a rough start to our morning but it turned out great by around 9 am. The girls woke up coughing at 6:15, so we got up, and got them changed and fed. They were still coughing so I gave them some benadryl and then they passed out in bed with Eric and I. We never sleep with them in our bed, but we just snuggled them in between us and let them fall asleep next to us. It was really sweet and I just love tender moments like that. In my opinion, there is nothing better than smiling at the man I love from across our innocent, sleeping angels!! We don't have to say anything. I just know that we love each other and are completely content in that moment...just the four of us! :) Sorry, I got carried away, but it was really sweet!
In order for you all to understand another part of my blog, I have to give you some background information...my mother-in-law sent the girls a gift card for Christmas in order to purchase some walkers. We got the jumperoo before Christmas and have posted pictures of the girls in that, BUT there has been drama with the second one. Eric picked out the second one that we wanted to get, however our WalMart never had it in stock. So I started checking online and it was out of stock everywhere...and I mean, everywhere!! I checked about 7 different places. We finally found it on Amazon and ordered it. 3 days after ordering it, we got an email stating that they were out of it and could send us one sometime in February. We canceled the order. This particular item had won a lot of awards as one of the best toys of the year. I guess it was just sold out for Christmas. About 2 weeks ago, we found it available again at WalMart.com, so we ordered it AGAIN! Then we received an email saying that they were out, and if they could not send us one within 10 days that they would cancel the order.
I told Eric that he should just pick out a different one because this was getting ridiculous. Well, yesterday we received an email telling us that it was at the store waiting for us!! Of course, we were super excited. Eric went and got it right away and we put it together while the girls slept.
After they woke up this morning and were feeling better, they got to play with it for the first time! We told them that Nana and Papaw had sent them a gift for the their 7 month birthday and they were really excited!! That LONG story explains some of the pictures below.
My little ones playing on the bed this morning before I got them dressed! Lexi slept on her hair funny and it stuck up on top all day...it was too cute!! Lexi is on the left...

Here they are in their adorable little dresses sent from Aunt Denise, Uncle Greg, and their twin cousins, Ashley and Alyssa! I love these dresses...once again, if you can't tell from the hair, Lexi is in purple! :) Eric got them to smile.

This is Lexi checking out her "birthday" present!! It is so great! She is playing the piano in this picture. The girls can walk around the activity table in that seat and when they get too big, the seat can be removed and the table can be used as a toddler toy. It's really cool!

Lilly played the piano and tried to jump, thinking it was a jumperoo too!! She played with it for a long time. Here she is "taking a break" and leaning over the seat.

I put Lexi in the jumperoo while Lilly was exploring her new toy and they spent a lot of time talking to each other!

I put Lexi in the jumperoo while Lilly was exploring her new toy and they spent a lot of time talking to each other!

Lilly spends a lot of time squealing loudly and making happy faces...case in point...

Then while I cooked dinner, the girls rolled around on a blanket (Eric was observing)...and somehow, Lilly ended up resting on her sister! They were so cute. They stayed like this for about 15 minutes, once again, talking to each other! I think we have some little talkers..poor Eric!!

These last two pictures are sooooo funny! Lexi pulled one of her favorite books out of her toy basket. They got 2 of these books for Christmas and totally love them!! They are cloth books and the girls use them like blankets half of the time. As you can see, Lexi buried herself in the book and then could not get it off. Eric snapped these pictures as he laughed at her...

So another day has come and gone. My girls are a day older and I love them a billion times more than I ever expected to love anyone. I think we took 62 pictures today...and just random fun pictures of smiles, frowns, giggles, and tongues being stuck out! I wonder how many pictures we will take on their 1st birthday!! Uh oh! Goodnight, all!