Thursday, November 5, 2009


Last night was fairly stressful and yet ended with laughter...the best way to end that kind of day! So here we go with the long story...

I had run all my errands during naptime so that I could be done for the day and not have to drag the girls out with me. It just goes faster when you don't have to get the double stroller out and load up the kids 5 times in an hour. I got a lot of groceries....a LOT! I was hoping to not have to go back to the store for the rest of the week.

Well Eric leaves for class and the girls are suddenly awake...after only 1.5 hours. This is not a good sign. They are sick and grumpy. When they feel rotten like this, they usually sleep a good 3 hour chunk. I knew we were in for the grumpies. :) I go into their room and Lexi had gotten the wipes case in her crib and had removed and thrown about the room almost a whole pack of wipes....this will come into play later in my story.

So it comes to dinner time. Eric is home from school and I go to the fridge to get out the tub of BBQ for dinner. Eric loves this stuff and it's an easy option for me. :) I remove the paper packaging and discover that there was a small tear in the cellophane and there is juice dripping all over the tub. It was super gross and we weren't confident enough to eat it. I was afraid that it had been contaminated. I got upset since I had spent so much time at the store. I usually check most packages before I buy them, but there is no way I could have seen this. I really wanted to make Eric something he liked and was so disappointed. I offered to make him something else but he was sweet and went to get us a burger. :) Gotta love him!

After feeding the girls a healthier meal and sharing a couple of our french fries with them, we decided to take a relaxing walk around the block. We make it 3 houses down only to see Sneezy running down the street. What a fiasco! Sneezy has some issues and since he was a shelter puppy, we don't know exactly what his story is....BUT when he gets out, he is hard to get back inside. He will usually go just a street away for a few minutes and then come home. Last night, he decided to run across the FM road and go down about a mile from the house. I tried chasing him with the girls in their wagon until I am soooooo winded. Then I ended up getting the babies in the car and driving across the road to find Eric. He gets in the car and 30 minutes later, we get Sneezy home. He almost got hit by a handful of cars and the whole thing was horrible and scary.

After we get inside, I decide that bath time might calm everyone down. I bathed the girls and then let Eric watch them. I just needed a moment. I was frazzled and exhausted. I went just around the corner of the living room and sat down. Next thing I know, I hear Lilly run out of the bathroom. She comes around the corner, with no diaper on, and says "Hi!!" Her little smile made everything better. I told her that I was really stressed out and asked her if I could have a kiss. She immediately began peeing on me. :) I just had to laugh. There was nothing else to do.

She very slowly backed up looking a bit nervous. She has never peed without a diaper on and I think she was a bit concerned as to what was going on. I told her Mommy wasn't mad all while cracking up. She ran to her Daddy and we got everything cleaned up.

I was hoping the evening's events were over, but then I managed to slam a plastic container into my face while crawling under a crib, in order to reach several handfuls of baby wipes...remember what I caught Lexi doing after her nap? :) Yeah!

What a night...this was all between the hours of 5 and 7:30 pm. Yikes!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kids Music and Silly Songs

So I have been listening to lots of kids music these days. To be honest, there is some fun stuff out there. Eric and I discovered the real-life "Phoebe Buffet" for kids named Laurie Berkner and she is sooooo cool! I also like Dan Zanes, mostly for his crazy hair and fun instruments. His band reminds me of Havalina Rail Co., if any of you have a clue who that is. :)

We have an Apple TV so we can watch YouTube videos on the big screen and every once in a while I will play a couple for the girls. Here are a few of their favorites right now...

And of course what would a post be without some "smiley" pictures! :)

Lexi...well at least the 2nd one is smiling picture!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Although Halloween is not my favorite holiday, I do like the dressing up part. :) We didn't want to do anything too crazy, so Lilly was a ladybug and Lexi was a bumblebee. They were cute and really liked their wings....I made them and while they were pretty cute, I will know how to make them stronger next time. :)

I tell you what...I have the sweetest little girls in the world, but they sure do HATE sitting still for pictures. Here we are, the Sanford girls!
Lilly and Mommy being silly...
Me and my girls again...trying so hard to take a picture of us all!
Yea!!! I finally got all 4 of us in the picture! Boy, I was being so goofy just to get the girls to look at the camera. Do you think it worked? Ha! :)
On to the costumes...Miss Ladybug, aka Lilly Bug!

Miss Bee Baby...Lexi!!

Her wings would NOT stay on straight.
Lilly still in love with the little pumpkin.
Momma's Babies!!

Love the lighting...
A couple of hours later when the girls wanted to eat their wings, not wear them...
Mommy, get the wings off now, please!
Where are all the trick-or-treaters, Daddy? I want to eat candy!
What, we get candy tonight?? :) Awesome!
Have a great week. The girls are getting sick, so we may have an interesting week on our hands!