So the baby quiz...thanks to you who took a guess. Eric said that technically it wasn't fair since I am really the only one who always gets it right. I thought it would be fun anyway! As of today, the 4 guesses taken were all wrong. Sorry guys! Lilly is the one in the solid outfit and Lexi is wearing the flowery-print. No worries, you will all get it down too. I am just with them every single day...Yea!!
Eric made an A on his Poli-Sci test and also did very well on his biology test. I didn't even help him study..way to go, honey!!
The girls are still growing like little weeds. I weighed them yesterday by weighing me holding each one and then weighing myself alone. According to that, they both weighed 11.6 pounds!! They are so big now! They are laughing more and more. They both crack up in the tub when I first splash them with warm water. They also like their toys more and more. They are now trying to hold things and this morning, I found them both talking to the fish on their swing. It was adorable!!
And as most of you already know that I went to the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor for my undergraduate work. Well...
Eric will now be going there to continue his education, which makes me very proud, and then there is the next generation of Crusaders (the UMHB mascot)...see pictures below.
They only have the bibs right now, but they are very excited to wear them in support of the school!! And hopefully they will be attending their first Homecoming game in November as well. :)

Lexi was trying to see what the huge thing was around her neck!

Lilly just thought it was all too funny!