The girls turned 14 months old on Sunday...yippee! Seriously, where in the world does the time go? I swear they were born last month. :) I am loving every single stage that they go through so far. I cannot for the life of me, pick only one stage. I loved the new baby stage as much as this talking, walking stage.
So what are my darlings up to these days, other than looking like this as they are sick with a nasty throat infection...boo!! This was Lexi, all day yesterday. It makes Eric and I so sad to see them sick. Lilly had it last week and, of course, the day she is completely recovered Lexi gets it. I just need them to get better. We have a trip planned soon and the girls will LOVE it if they are feeling well!
Lilly, what are you up to at 14 months old? Besides, smiling for the camera...you are SO cute!!
1. You are walking but you are still holding onto furniture since you are nervous to let go. You can walk SO WELL, but you are a little bit scared to do it. :) Silly girl!
2. You scream for animals and get so happy to see any animal in your neighborhood.
3. You wave at anyone driving down our street unless it is that one kid on his loud motorbike, in which case, you give him a scowl for being so loud.
4. You talk non-stop and babble all the time. You are just starting to pronounce words well, but you love to just tell me stuff. In the last 2 days, you have said several words very clearly...pretty, good, again, Mommy, dog, and cheese. You still favor the word, fish. :)
5. You love to stick your finger in your mouth. You don't suck it too much anymore, but you stick it in there a lot.
6. You now have 5 teeth and are working on #6.
7. You love to read and have started going to your basket of books and looking through your books on your own.
8. You love food! You are such a good eater and never seem to refuse much. Your favorites are peas, my banana bread, pineapple, strawberries, hummus and pita bread. You say, "MMMMMMMMM!!!" when you really like your food.
9. You love shoes and having us put them on your feet.
10. You climb on and off the couch and chairs without assistance. You love to scare your momma a lot.
11. You have started walking around SCREAMING loudly with this happy little shriek.
12. You pick up your play phone and say, "Hey, Daddy!" all the time. You will not call anyone else either...just Daddy!
I know there is tons more, but these are the biggest ones that I can think of right now. You are a pure delight and one smart little cookie! Daddy and I love you!!
Her little buddy, Sneezy!
And what about you, Miss Alexis? What are you up to these days?
1. You are walking a lot! Yesterday, you hardly crawled at all. Just this week you learned that walking IS fun! You are letting go of the furniture too and going out into the middle of the room. :) Here we go!
2. You scream for animals too! You flap your arms up and down and scream for the dogs walking by outside and giggle for your doggies.
3. You wave at people just like your sister.
4. You talk a lot, but you tend to say very well-pronounced, clear words. You speak less sentences than Lilly, but you are easier to understand right now. Your favorites are pretty, baby, nana (for bananas and grandmothers), dog, dadda, mommy, read it, nose, and "what is it". She says a lot these days. She sat in a nursery worker's lap a few weeks ago and played with her necklace. She said, "What is it? Pretty!" It was so cute!
5. You stick your tongue out when you are being serious.
6. You now have 6 teeth, the 4 in front (on top) and the bottom, middle 2.
7. You love to read. You go sit by your sister and look on with her a lot. You also hand us books and demand that we "read it". Then you sit on your bottom with your hands placed in your lap and listen intently.
8. You love food too! Your favorites are the same as Lilly's...you are still not sure about avocado though...wait til you eat guacamole. That will change your mind! You go nuts for your cereal snack bars and hummus!
9. You also love shoes and having us put them on your feet. (See previous blog as to what happens when you can only wear 2 at a time!)
10. You do this too...You climb on and off the couch and chairs without assistance. You love to scare your momma a lot.
11. You scream when your sister does. Man, you two are LOUD!!
12. You pick up your play phone and say, "Hey, Nana!" all the time. You will not call anyone else either...just Nana!
13. You like telling stangers where their nose is...you always stick your fingers up Daddy's nose when you show him! :)

See her swollen, red eyes?! This was taken yesterday....I hope she feels better soon!