Wow, has my little man changed and grown over the past few months! It is amazing how much a baby changes in such a short time. After I got my milk supply established and was recovered from the surgery, I started him on a good schedule. He eats every 3 hours (for the most part) and eats a LOT. I was worried at first that he wasn't getting enough, but he is apparently doing just fine. He is a more efficient and faster nurser than the girls were. He started sleeping about 4-5 hour chunks over night at one month old. His first month and a half were kind of rough. He was pretty colicky and gassy. Other than the fussiness in the evenings, he was so sweet and lovable!
At one month, he was getting a little control of his neck. He was wearing 3 month clothes. :) He moved from a size 1 diaper into a size 2 diaper. He had decided that his bouncer was a great napping spot and he was trying to look at things. His favorite things to watch and look at were the paintings on our bedroom wall behind the bed, and the ceiling fans.
It seems like he changed a LOT more from one month to two months. He gained a lot of weight and got adorable baby rolls on his thighs. He decided to roll over from his tummy to his back at 7.5 weeks old. He just does not like tummy time. :)
He wore 3-6 month clothes and almost all of the 3 month clothes were packed up. He also wears 6 month footed jammies because he is a long little guy. At his two month check-up, he weighed 14 lbs, 12 ozs (95th percentile) and measured 25.5 inches (off the charts).
He is still in a size two diaper. He slept 4-5 hours a night until 8 weeks, 2 days...then all of the sudden, he slept 7 hours. After that he slept better and better at night. He usually nurses around 9 or 10 pm and sleeps until 6. Occasionally he will sleep til 7, which is glorious! He has been really congested and had bad allergies off and on since 5 weeks. He just tends to get a congested head and rub his nose and eyes a lot when a storm blows through. I feel bad for him and he hates the saline nasal spray. :(
He loves to stand up on his feet while you hold him up. He is hard to make sit down too. He prefers to stand on your lap and look around. He is very curious and LOVES to watch his sisters play. They entertain him non-stop. He started getting less and less gassy and it has been amazing. He still doesn't seem to like me eating mexican food (which is sad for me) but other than that, he seems much more comfortable.
He started laughing out loud at 10 weeks old. That is my FAVORITE sound ever!!! He loves it when you stick your tongue out at him, make silly sounds, and wiggle his arms and legs up and down. His hair has also grown about an inch since birth. It's getting harder to style it.
He likes his bouncer, jumperoo, and is liking tummy time more these days. He is curious about the food we are eating too.
His schedule is pretty easy...wake up, eat, play, sleep, repeat until bedtime. When he naps, I try to clean, cook, and play with the girls. Oh, and go grocery shopping with the kids. He sleeps in his carseat and the girls help me shop. It's a nice routine.
He is starting to be ticklish on his collar bone and just under his ribs. He is also ticklish around his lips. He likes us to brush our fingers around his mouth and make funny noises. It makes him chuckle. He fit into 6-9 month clothes the other day and also fits into Old Navy 6-12 month stuff. It's crazy, but he is starting to look leaner and longer this week. I weighed him at the house and he weighs 16 lbs, 2 ozs. His hair is crazy unruly and adorable. I tried to comb it down last week and not spike it up. He looked too much like a grown man going for a job interview than a cute baby boy. So I am staying with the spiky hair/mohawk for now. He has really good head and neck control and loves to smile and talk. He will lay there for a very long time and just coo away.
He likes to stare at his yellow giraffe stuffed animal and snuggles blankets and lovies to his face. I can't let him nap with blankets in the bouncer, unless they only cover his toes, since he likes to snuggle them to his face. His eyes are still dark blue and his hair has lightened a little bit. It looks reddish brown right after a bath. He is a really good baby! I am so blessed to have this little man. I can't imagine life without him, but am also glad we are done having kids. 3 is great and definitely plenty. :)