Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What Every Girl Should Have...
Nana and Papa Epps (although I'm sure Nana had more to do with it..he he he!) sent the girls the cutest presents this week. Every proper "girlie-girl" needs her accessories, right?
The girls even put the purses on their shoulders like Mommy does. In fact, I have a very similar purse to these...just in a different color.
Lilly...who is only wearing the one sneaker, by the way!
"Where are my keys?"
Lexi...Hey, this thing is awesome!!!
"Let's go shopping, Mommy!"
This is your adorable baby-belly, Lexi! It's right here!
This is also a normal sight at our house these days..these are the ones Lilly picked out and had me put on yesterday! So cute! Right now they have about 6 pairs of shoes EACH. However, when they move up to size 4, Mommy will have to do some shopping...darn! :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
3 Days of Stay-In Fun!!
What a week we have had so far! Poor Lilly is on the mend. Thankfully while she had to feel plain rotten, she was still talking and laughing and playing a lot too! I ended up taking quite a few pictures of us doing our fun "stay-at-home" activities. Here is what we have been up to these past 3 days. :)
Lexi loves to pull out all her toys and sit in her buckets and baskets.
Lilly adores her Daddy!! And looks too grown up in this picture for my liking!!
Sneezy now loves to play "boo!" with the girls under their bed...
Lilly showing off her pigtails. I am trying to play with their hair a little bit every day, since it hangs down in their eyes now and they won't leave clips or bows in...I have to get Eric to help me distract them while I slip a bow into their hair. Pigtails are much more difficult to do without them noticing. :)
"Mommy! I know there is something in my hair!" - Lilly
Lilly just being cute! She actually posed for me in this one...
Smile with Mommy, Lexi! No,, please!! Silly girl smiles all day long and then stares at a camera.
Lexi does not understand why we won't put 3 and 4 shoes on her at once. She has started getting very upset when we won't put more than 2 on her feet, and she falls apart. Here she is when I explained that she already had 2 shoes on, as she tried to hand me a third...
Then she COMPLETELY fell granted, it was almost naptime too! That just made it worse. :) See how she is still holding shoe #3 while wearing 2!
The only thing that worked was removing shoe #2 and replacing it with shoe #3! Then she had to examine them carefully! (I have no idea why my text is now sometimes looking this way...I can't fix it today, but will try and figure out why it does this soon!)
Then since Lilly has a sore throat and hasn't been drinking as much as she should, we got them Pedialyte popsicles. We put them in swim diapers and went outside yesterday to have fun and eat popsicles. They loved them! Lexi learned that she likes crunching on them with her 6 teeth!
Miss Lilly...
Miss Lexi...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Our Sunday Trip
Well today, Lilly has a viral throat infection..YUCK!! Now to desperately try and keep Lexi from getting it. Thank goodness for a good pediatrician and yummy popsicles. She'll feel better in no time!
BUT, yesterday we had a great day in San Antonio. Eric's sister, Christie, and her kiddos were in town. We drove down for the day to hang out and spend some time together. We made it to the riverwalk mall before it was open, but walked around and caught up anyway. Eric took Ashley and Taylor to see an IMAX movie and Christie and I made it down to the food court to have a cookie with Brianna, Cheyenne, and the twins.
Then after some super-fun girl shopping, we walked outside and toured around the Alamo. Lilly had been up since 5 am at this point (it was 1 pm), so she slept through the Alamo tour, but I was able to point it out to her from across the street when she woke up later. :) Both the girls were hot and tired. They had also had enough sitting in their stroller, so we went back to Christie's hotel room and cooled down with a swim.
I wish I had taken my camera down to the pool. There is nothing better than watching the man you love play with and dote on his daughters. Lilly swam with Aunt Christie and Ashley, while Lexi screamed at the top of her lungs with glee while swimming with Daddy!
Next we gave the girls a warm bath in the hotel bathroom, put them in clean clothes, and headed out for dinner. Now normally, I cannot go to San Antonio without 2 things...visiting the Alamo and eating some amazing mexican food. However, I had been sick all week last week, and was on doctor's orders to eat a bland diet for a while. So we went out for burgers this time...HA! I felt fine.
My poor girls had a hard time sleeping on the way home, but we made it home around bedtime and they crashed in their own beds...all warm and cozy! It was a great day! We miss Christie and her family a lot, and just adore any time that we get to be with them. And while I didn't have my camera at the pool, I did take pictures the rest of the day! Here are some of my favorites...
A gorgeous Texas sunrise around 7:10 am.
8 girls shopping at the mall...heaven!! And isn't Lilly such a glamour girl?? :)
What about Lexi?? :)
Ashley and I couldn't let the toddlers have all the fun!
Then Lilly saw the hat display. What a cutie!!
He thought it would be funny...I warned him that it would go on our blog! Ha, ha, ha!! I told you, honey! Personally, I think Lilly pulls it off better.
This was about 5 minutes after the hat and sunglass pictures...she has never stayed awake that long without a nap.
Here we are at the Alamo...(left to right) Taylor, Ashley, Cheyenne, Brianna, and the twins in front.
Lexi was getting very sleepy too!
The Sanfords at the Alamo.
Back at the hotel...the girls love Taylor's wheelchair, and Taylor too!! Here is Lexi saying hi to her cousin.
After a good swim and a bath, Lilly needed a drink. Ahhh, cold water!!
We had some good ol' goof-off time! Mommy and Lexi...
Lexi is SUPER ticklish...and Daddy took full advantage during playtime! She was squealing so loud!
Brianna is also a good helper with the girls! Here she is with Lilly. She helped me keep the girls from falling off the bed while they jumped around like crazy kids. :)
I LOVE this picture of Taylor! Isn't she a doll?!! I will give an update at the end of this post on how she is doing...
Here is Cheyenne being cute as usual!
Then we headed home...goodnight, Lilly!!
Goodnight, Lexi!
TAYLOR UPDATE: Taylor had the pump to dispense meds straight into her spine put in, in mid-June. It was working pretty well and made her feel much better. However, now she has two spots that are swollen with fluid and are uncomfortable for her. The doctors told Christie just to watch them and give it some time. They are hoping the fluid goes away because it is too risky to put a needle in and draw some fluid for testing. So pray for Taylor to feel more comfortable and for the fluid to go away. If it was a leak of the medicine, she could go into a coma. So hopefully it is not the medicine, but if not, pray that the doctors will have wisdom as to what it is.
We had such a great time. It made me miss those girls so much!! I used to love going over to their house after work to hang out! Love you, girls!! Hopefully we can see you again really soon!!
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