Yesterday was a crazy day. First of all, we had to take Lexi to see her pediatrician. It was nothing too bad, but she had a swollen spot on her chest and we wanted to make sure it wasn't anything bad...she is on antibiotics now and seems just fine. I have been super stressed out the past couple of days, because I feel like I got nothing accomplished. I had tons of cleaning to do and laundry too, but the girls needed me and wanted nothing more than to sit in my lap all day. I am not sure what I will do when they go through their clingy phases. Yesterday, when I would hold them both, they would push each other away a little bit to get more attention for themselves. So I just spent the day on the floor getting hugs and having my glasses ripped off. All in all, it was a good way to spend a day, it just wore me out and then I was frustrated when they went to bed since I had soooooo much to do to get the house in order. I want the girls and Eric to live in a clean house and have order surrounding them. I can't let it bother me cause, all in all, they are all fine and loved and well cared for...those are the important things!
At the doctor's office, we had them weighed since they will be 8 months old on Monday and I wanted to put an approximate weight in their baby books...Lexi weighed 17 lbs, 12 ozs. and Lilly weighed 16 lbs, 15 ozs. I was shocked because Lilly is a better nurser and they both eat the same things. They fit into the same clothes and neither one seems bigger to me. I have decided that Lexi's extra weight is in her cheeks! :)
It was a beautiful day though, so we put the girls in their new outfits and they were fascinated with them...I guess all those ruffles were too cool! Just after getting them dressed and fixing their hair, I
HAD to take pictures!! They were too sweet!! They also got to wear their little sweaters from Aunt Kim :) Kim gave us these 3-6 month sweaters when the girls were first born and I have been dying to put the girls in them...just had to wait until they fit! I still have to roll up the sleeves.
Here we have Miss Lilly showing her best growl impression!
Next her innocent look...

And last but not least, she is saying, "Hmmm, did my mom make my hair stick up again? Stinker!"
As you can see, they love playing with their little shapes. Here we have Miss Lexis and her adorable, innocent look...I started off with one clip in her hair and then tried two clips. I am such a girlie girl and think my twins will be too! :)
Eric thinks she looks like she has horns in this one! I was just so excited to finally get her in pigtails!

Now this is the face I get when I tell her that "I'm gonna get you!"