Today was a lot of fun. I am exhausted after getting up early, but it was worth it. We went to the UMHB Homecoming game and took the was their first football game! And we had quite the adventure.
First of all, we got to sit with my friend Jennifer and her family. She was due with her little boy a few days after I was due with the girls, but her baby came late and mine were early. They are 8 weeks apart, but now the same cute! :) Lexi was sitting in my lap next to Jennifer and her little one, Gabriel. She didn't seem at all interested in a baby that wasn't her Lilly Bug!! Lilly could not stop looking around at everyone. She was in Eric's lap and seemed to be extremely excited about all the different people. She was arching her back and straining to look over his arm.
We had been there about 5 minutes when suddenly, I felt a sting on my arm. It was a bee...I never even saw it until after it stung the back of my arm and flew on to the next person in front of me. I don't think I have been stung by a bee in over 20 years, but other than a burning spot for a few minutes and a small red dot, it was over. Thank goodness I am not allergic.
So then Lexi fell asleep in my arms, all snuggled up and Lilly kept looking around. Poor little girl...about every few minutes some fans would blow a train whistle. It was really loud and every time they would blow it, Lexi would suddenly wake up looking confused and then immediately pass out again.
Lilly was fighting sleep by this point. She usually sucks her right thumb until she falls asleep. It was the cutest thing ever...for some reason, she decided that she would suck on Eric's arm to fall asleep. And she sucked on it reallllllllllllllllllllllllly hard!! Eric said she was even kind of biting him. Well, there is now a nice, baby, mouth-sized hickey on Daddy's arm. She sucked on it until falling asleep in his arms. It was funny!
About 5 minutes after Lilly fell asleep, there was a punt return for a touchdown and the crowd went WILD!! This woke up Lexi immediately. She woke up so startled and looked at me. I told her she was okay and held her close. She was fine for a minute and then as soon as it got quiet, she let loose screaming. She was sooooooooo upset. It was now halftime, so Eric and I walked around with them and I went to change her diaper. Both girls get happy when you change their diapers, so this cheered Lexi up.
Here is one of my favorite parts of the day...after halftime, we sat back down in the bleachers. UMHB was kicking some major butt so the crowd was pretty loud. Everytime they would cheer or yell, Lexi would look over my shoulder and give them a big scowl. The same one she gave the doctor after receiving her shots. She didn't cry anymore, but she wanted all those loud people to know how she felt about them. We left with about 5 minutes to go in the 3rd was 61 to 0, UMHB. It was pretty boring at this point, so we all left. Lilly was now awake and smiling at her daddy. It was a huge success!
I am always relieved when we go on an outing with 2 little babies and come home happy and relaxed. I am so thankful to have these little goofballs. Jennifer's husband took a picture of the 3 babies together, so I will try and post that after I get it from her. Eric also took a picture of the girls all sleepy in their carriers after we arrived home. I am too tired to post them tonight...until tomorrow!!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We only sat a few rows back and we sat right in front of the cheerleaders. At one point, one of the cheerleaders waved at Eric and when he looked at her, she yelled, "Your babies are so cute!" Then all the cheerleaders looked up and went, "Awwwwww!!" It made us smile! And of course, we were sitting next to baby Gabriel, so people kept asking if they were triplets. :) :)
The girls will be 5 MONTHS OLD tomorrow!! Yippee!! They grow so fast!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
This Week
Well another week has now come and almost gone. Eric is probably 75% of the way through his semester and is still liking it for the most part. I think he is tired of studying, but he goes about it better than I ever could with a family around. He studies a little every day even when he doesn't have to, and attributes that to his good grades. It's pretty cute...he will even sit down and "teach" the girls poilitical science and biology. They got a lesson in chromosomes and DNA yesterday!
The girls are still holding hands every chance they get. (See the pictures below.) These were taken this morning while they hung out with me in my room. They would talk to me and then coo and babble to each other. I never tire of the them loving on each other! Now if I get one laughing, she will lay her head on her sister's shoulder to snuggle and they will laugh together.

I love the way Lilly is looking at her sister in this one!!!

We laid them down for their afternoon nap today and Lexi would not fall asleep. So Eric went in and got her out of the crib..if you look very carefully, you can see Lilly's feet in the crib. So he and Lexi were hanging out together when I went in to check on them. She just didn't want to be left alone but was perfectly happy with her daddy!!
They got these adorable little outfits from one of my old neighbors in Waco. They are size 6 months, so they are pretty big, but the girls looked so adorable in them. Sometimes we dress up really cute just in time for Daddy to come home. Today, I was feeding Lilly when Eric came home, but Lexi was sitting next to me in her bouncer. She had a fist in her mouth, but it sounded exactly like she said, "Hi Daddy!!" when he walked through the door. We both gasped and started laughing. It was really sweet. Of course, he dropped his backpack and picked her up so he could hug her. I can't wait til she really talks!
The girls are still holding hands every chance they get. (See the pictures below.) These were taken this morning while they hung out with me in my room. They would talk to me and then coo and babble to each other. I never tire of the them loving on each other! Now if I get one laughing, she will lay her head on her sister's shoulder to snuggle and they will laugh together.

We laid them down for their afternoon nap today and Lexi would not fall asleep. So Eric went in and got her out of the crib..if you look very carefully, you can see Lilly's feet in the crib. So he and Lexi were hanging out together when I went in to check on them. She just didn't want to be left alone but was perfectly happy with her daddy!!

Here she is a few minutes before Eric got home, playing with her Baby Einstein Octopus...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Fun Pictures
Don't know what started this pose, but Lexi did it one day and now does it a lot. She will start to stretch and then just stay that way. She had been asleep for 30 mintues in this picture with her arms like that...

Lexi's other favorite activity, other than squealing and rolling over...she will do this for a long time and can almost get them into her mouth now!

Here is Lilly after bathtime. Can you see the spiked hair? So's getting longer again!

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