Well another week has now come and almost gone. Eric is probably 75% of the way through his semester and is still liking it for the most part. I think he is tired of studying, but he goes about it better than I ever could with a family around. He studies a little every day even when he doesn't have to, and attributes that to his good grades. It's pretty cute...he will even sit down and "teach" the girls poilitical science and biology. They got a lesson in chromosomes and DNA yesterday!
The girls are still holding hands every chance they get. (See the pictures below.) These were taken this morning while they hung out with me in my room. They would talk to me and then coo and babble to each other. I never tire of the them loving on each other! Now if I get one laughing, she will lay her head on her sister's shoulder to snuggle and they will laugh together.

I love the way Lilly is looking at her sister in this one!!!

We laid them down for their afternoon nap today and Lexi would not fall asleep. So Eric went in and got her out of the crib..if you look very carefully, you can see Lilly's feet in the crib. So he and Lexi were hanging out together when I went in to check on them. She just didn't want to be left alone but was perfectly happy with her daddy!!

They got these adorable little outfits from one of my old neighbors in Waco. They are size 6 months, so they are pretty big, but the girls looked so adorable in them. Sometimes we dress up really cute just in time for Daddy to come home. Today, I was feeding Lilly when Eric came home, but Lexi was sitting next to me in her bouncer. She had a fist in her mouth, but it sounded exactly like she said, "Hi Daddy!!" when he walked through the door. We both gasped and started laughing. It was really sweet. Of course, he dropped his backpack and picked her up so he could hug her. I can't wait til she really talks!
Here she is a few minutes before Eric got home, playing with her Baby Einstein Octopus...
1 comment:
they just get cuter and cuter! Maddie falls forward too now if she is not slouched back enough when I prop her up against something. it will be nice when they can sit up by themselves!
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