Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our Weekend So Far...

I wanted to start this blog off right...thus the picture of Lilly with her"gotta love me, I'm adorable" grin!! She loves to smile really big and the missing teeth make it even cuter!

The girls in their new Valentine's pajamas yesterday morning! They are growing out of most of their jammies, so I went to WalMart the other night for a few things and picked them up these. Aren't they just the girliest little things? :)
Now this is the cutest little outfit!! Eric and I took the girls to Cove today to have lunch with my friend Sally. She got these outfits for them and I just had to try them on this evening. They were really into playing with the ruffles and just looked adorable. Lexi modeled hers for us!
Now here is a normal picture of Lexi from this afternoon, but if you look closely, you should be able to see a little red mark over her left eyebrow. She was sitting up playing last night and then fell over and bumped her eyebrow on her little shape sorter box. Eric saw it happen as he sat with them, but their was nothing he could do. He just held her while she cried and then she felt much better. Daddy fixes everything!!

These next photos were from our time outside this afternoon. Lilly was in giggle mode and Lexi was tired and calm...therefore, we took lots more of Lilly. Here she is fussing at daddy for kissing her. :) These need no explanation, only names, since I seem to be the only one who can tell them apart. Miss Lilly is below...
Lilly Bug...
Lexi looking contemplative...
Silly Lilly...

Lilly watching her tree...
Lastly, here is Lilly and Daddy! Eric has such a way with the's great! She was fussy and it was naptime, so he picked her up and they napped together!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Little Girls

I just love that blog title...MY little one else's (well, except Eric's) :) Just mine!!! And as all of you parents understand, that is ssssooooooooooooooo amazing! I have always wanted to be a mom and now that I am, I couldn't be happier about it!

This is mostly a blog of pictures, because I take them and I love to take them! The count is now over 2,000 on my computer alone. :) :)

I have heard people comment on how long the girls are getting, and I can't tell from being with them every day. BUT, when Eric held them up to his knees, I was shocked. They are getting lots taller!! :) YEA!! Here is my 6'2" husband, holding Lexi up to him. :)
Lilly's turn...
The next pictures are of me cuddling with the girls. I originally got the camera out to take a picture with me laying in between the girls on their play blanket. I was sooooo determined to take a picture with the 3 of us for their daddy. I also wanted to show him how much we look alike. HA!
As soon as I laid down, the girls both rolled in opposite directions away from me. I would roll Lilly back only to lose Lexi and so on and so forth. So here is what I least we giggled and had a lot of fun!
Lexi gets a kiss from mommy!

Miss Lexi...she really likes to give us sloppy kisses. She is so proud of herself for giving Eric and I kisses and they tickle too!

Adorable little Lilly playing with the camera cord...she doesn't have to do anything and she is still a heartbreaker.

I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!! Look at that face :) :)

This didn't hurt...she just touched her fist to my face and then chuckled!

I had to get Lexi back for her slobbery kiss from earlier! Plus, who can resist kissing those chubby cheeks. :)

I leave you with this one...a daddy who adores his girls, all 3 of them! We are soooooo very blessed! :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Naptime at our house is a little more varied than I like, but with the girls sleeping so great at night, variety is okey-dokey! The girls wake up at 8 am and are tired and rubbing their eyes about 2-2.5 hours later. I have found that they respond the best to this routine...put them in their bouncers or swing, hand them their little pink teddy bear blankets from Nana, and wrap them snuggly into blankets. They tend to sleep longer when they are warm under a blanket, and they really like being tucked in...we make it a game. :) They will smile and babble for a few moments and then they fall right to sleep.

Lexi-Bear this afternoon before her nap...all tucked in, snug as a bug in a rug! You can't see the teddy bears in these pictures because they are holding them tightly under the blankets.

My little burrito baby Lilly! :)

As for the rest of my household...and this is funny!...

Yesterday, I was relaxing on my bed while the girls were napping. The house was all quiet and Eric came in to talk to me and lay down for a while after finishing his online classes. He laid down and the next thing we knew, Sneezy was joining us too! Although, I guess he thought the most comfortable spot on the bed was Eric's bootie! :) Here he is...all snuggled up warm to Eric's butt! They both napped in this position for about an hour.

And this is a common scene after naptime. I call it the tangled pretzel babies. Right before I snapped this picture, their feet were on each other's faces and they were fussing at each other to please move. They have a tendency to want to play with each other and are then too rough. I guess they will have to learn!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Twins & Sisters

I don't have much time this is 7:17 am and the girls will be up soon. But I wanted to share some pictures with you all. A couple of days ago, I dressed the girls in the cutest little outfits and set them side by side on the floor. I have always had a hard time getting great pictures of them together. You know how it is looking away, down, or you get one frown and one smile! So I took tons of pictures in the hope of at least one great one with both smiling faces. They had a lot of fun playing with mommy. I got a few great ones and tons of cute ones! Lilly is on the left.

Such sweet sisters...Lilly just laid her head on Lexi and looked at me!
Little Lilly Bug!
What a goofball...Lexi showing mommy how cute she is.....

Here they are wearing their little Valentine's hats from Nana. I have about 5 pictures leading up to this one where Lexi is staring at Lilly laughing at her in the hat. That is their new thing...they crack up at each other in anay kind of hat. :) Lexi is on the right.

I have about 50 more, but that is enough for now! I just can't get enough of those little grins!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our House

Eric and I really like our house. It suited us very well when we bought it. It is now a little more crowded with two little ones, but it is still great. We are just having to be more organized, and creative with our organization. You have to be fairly organized when you have smaller spaces. We have a 3 bedroom...the master bedroom, the babies nursery, and Eric's study. :)

When I moved in, I was still working in Waco. So I was gone by 6:30 am and home at 6:00 pm. I got the house set up but not completely organized the way I like it. I think I am a lot more like my mother than I sometimes realize...I was taught that everything must have a place, somewhere that it "belonged" and when it was not in use, it was to be in that place. This is a hard thing to "teach" a husband (that sounds bad, doesn't it). I had and still have no intention of trying to change anything about Eric...I married him the way he is and love him completely, but he teases me a lot for telling him to please go put something in its place. He tries really hard though..he is just a silly boy sometimes!! :)

So then I went from working in Waco to being pregnant and trying to get things somewhat changed around for two little ones...cribs, swings, bouncers, high all takes up a lot of space. Next came the bedrest...I about went mad just laying down for 5 weeks and thank God it was not longer. I plotted and plotted how to fix up the house while on bedrest.

Now I finally have my chance. I am trying to figure out what to do next, but I have a plan of attack for getting things really nice and organized. Here are some pictures of the house today.

And yes, I LOVE art!!!

Here is the girls nursery. We also have my big full size bed in there. We hope to let the girls share it when they are ready to move out of their cribs. That rocking chair was my mother's...she rocked me in it as a baby! I love rocking the girls in it. :)
The next picture is the doll shelf that Eric and my Dad put up before the girls were born. I used to have one in my room to hold all my dolls and toys. Everything up there was mine as a kid. I saved a big box of very sentimental items in hopes of giving them to my daughters one day. The girls have recently noticed it and stare at it every time we are in their room. They will smile at the dolls!

This is the girls toy/play area...Most of my day revolves around the stuff in that basket!! :)
Our front door...I just got this heart wreath for Valentines today at Target, super cute. Oh, I guess I should sweep those leaves, huh? :)

Our fireplace favorite!
Our new car...I love it!
This is on the wall in Eric's study...I tried to decorate it in a more manly fashion. It used to be his office when he owned his own Private Investigations business. And yes, nobody wants to mess with my husband...he is a GREAT shot!! He brought this home one day after going to the gun range, and I kept it for him.