I wanted to start this blog off right...thus the picture of Lilly with her"gotta love me, I'm adorable" grin!! She loves to smile really big and the missing teeth make it even cuter!

The girls in their new Valentine's pajamas yesterday morning! They are growing out of most of their jammies, so I went to WalMart the other night for a few things and picked them up these. Aren't they just the girliest little things? :)
Now this is the cutest little outfit!! Eric and I took the girls to Cove today to have lunch with my friend Sally. She got these outfits for them and I just had to try them on this evening. They were really into playing with the ruffles and just looked adorable. Lexi modeled hers for us!
Now here is a normal picture of Lexi from this afternoon, but if you look closely, you should be able to see a little red mark over her left eyebrow. She was sitting up playing last night and then fell over and bumped her eyebrow on her little shape sorter box. Eric saw it happen as he sat with them, but their was nothing he could do. He just held her while she cried and then she felt much better. Daddy fixes everything!!
These next photos were from our time outside this afternoon. Lilly was in giggle mode and Lexi was tired and calm...therefore, we took lots more of Lilly. Here she is fussing at daddy for kissing her. :)
These need no explanation, only names, since I seem to be the only one who can tell them apart. Miss Lilly is below...
Lilly Bug...
Lexi looking contemplative...
Silly Lilly...
Lilly watching her tree...
Lastly, here is Lilly and Daddy! Eric has such a way with the girls...it's great! She was fussy and it was naptime, so he picked her up and they napped together!

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