I don't know if it was the cool weather or the excitement of the people around them, but they were sooooo happy and smiley while we were out there. We took some great pictures. The only bummer about it was that it had rained a lot the day before, so we had to put a diaper changing pad down under them for pictures. It was still better than having them get wet and cold. Check out the wheelbarrow pictures...

Lexi is on the right and Lilly the left...

We actually bought this pumpkin that we used in the pictures...Lexi thought it was so cool!

I wish I could tell what Lexi was thinking during this picture....
Then today was the girls 4 month check-up with the pediatrician. They did so well. They got all their shots and didn't cry tooooooo much. Their measurements were hilariously close...listen to this...
Lexi weighed in at 12 lbs, 14 ozs, and so did Lilly!!
Their heads measured the same thing, their temperatures were different by 0.01 of a degree, and Lilly was only a quarter of an inch longer than her sister. At their 2 month check-up, Lilly was 1 whole inch longer than Lexi...she's catching up!! :)
After getting their shots, the doctor came back into the room to tell Eric and I something and Lexi glared at her while at the same time, Lilly was glaring angrily at the nurse who gave them the shots. It was so funny. We all laughed and Dr. Riser told her nurse that they needed to get out of there since they were in trouble.
Here is a picture of their cute little Daffy Duck band-aids. Poor babies!