Prayer Request: My brother-in-law, Sam, is in Iraq and was in an accident the other day. He and 3 others were on patrol when an IED detonated. Thankfully the guy detonated it half a second too early or Sam and the other soldiers would all be dead. We are thanking God for His amazing protection over them!! The vehicle was hit at the front and it was flipped. So while it was bad, it could have been unbelievably worse. Sam had a headache afterwards (which seems normal). Well the headache has not gone away and is getting worse. He is also seeing spots in his vision and can't hear very well out of one ear. So the Army is sending him to get checked out. That's all we know right now. Please keep him (and ALL of our brave men and women over there) in your prayers! Please also be praying for his wife, Christie, and their 5 little girls to have peace and not worry too much! Thank you!
Now totally switching topics....Yesterday we were able to go to Elgin, TX and visit their big pumpkin patch with some of my family. We went with Jason, Kim, and their boys. It was a lot of fun and the girls even loved the cool weather. I was a little worried about their little fingers and ears, but they were fine.
Here are a bunch of pictures...surprised? :) Lilly has on the pink shirt and Lexi has on the black shirt.

They were so interested in looking around that they hardly looked at us in their pictures...

She was actually hugging the pumpkin...what a cutie!

Lilly wanted down. :)

See a theme? Lilly mostly wanted to run around or be held (but only for a moment). She cracked us up, because she was so excited and didn't want to sit still.

We didn't notice the signs that read, "Please do not sit on the antique tractors!" until after we took a few pictures. Shhhh!

Once Lilly played with the ball, we could not distract her from it, no matter how hard we tried. She kept crying, "Ball!" for the rest of the time we were there. The only thing that helped was allowing all the puppies, that had come with the SPCA, lick her face. That made her laugh so hard!! Lexi was pretty chill and mellow the whole time.

My lame attempt to take a picture of all 4 of us on the hayride. Sorry, Lexi...I'll get you in there next time.

Now here we tried our best to take pictures of all 4 kids didn't completely work. My girls were hungry and exhausted, so they sat pretty still for a minute or so.

Poor Tanner had reached his limit of sitting next to those stinky girls. :) Tristan was trying to make him stay. They are so funny!

I love this one, because Lilly has decided to get down and go see her Daddy. Then you have Lexi, just hanging out staring into the bucket of gourds. I think I may have to buy her some of those this year.

Then she noticed the scarecrow sitting on the bench as started talking to him.

We had a great time and I can't wait to take the girls again to the one in Harker Heights. Last year we took them on the 15th of October, so maybe we can go on the same day this year. We'll see. :)