I feel as though I am finally getting the hang of this "housewife" thing. I am LOVING every moment of it too. Eric and I will have been married for 2 years this September, and it took me a while to adjust to caring for more than 1 person. And if that wasn't enough going from 1 to 2, after 9 months and 1 day of marriage, I went from 1 to 4 (plus the 2 dogs and a large aquarium of fish!)
As I have mentioned before, we love our house. It is super fun to make any changes that we want without consulting a landlord. Eric and I are slowly making it "OURS"!! My first goal is to get things as organized as possible and this has been a slow process with 2 little squirts!
We all took a family trip down to Round Rock on Memorial Day in order to get some cool stuff from Ikea. As weird as it sounds, I needed more "things" to organize my "things"...isn't that nusts!?! Since I am now making home-made bread, I needed some canisters to put my flours into and I also needed a larger container to hold my spatulas and serving utensils. The pitcher that I had them in before was getting too tight. But this was my mom's pitcher, so I tucked it in the cabinet for safekeeping. :)


Since our accent walls in the bedroom are dark turquoise, the bedding had to go with the dark gray, navy blue, black, and silver sheets we already have. :) I gave Eric some guidelines and this is what he picked out...he did pretty well!! I think it suits us...not too manly, not too girlie!!

For some reason, I am also feeling as though I am nesting these days!! It's probably because my girls are about to turn 1 and I was on bedrest this time last year. I never got to fully "nest" the way a pregnant woman should...he he he!!
Yesterday Eric and I moved several large pieces of furniture around and I fixed up the girls room a LOT!! I am loving it and think they like it too!! Here is a little tour of the new layout:
The view from the bedroom door...

The monogrammed painting that hangs above Lexi's crib. 

Another view...

Their large closet...I LOVE this closet, however, we are adding another rod since the girls have tons of clothes!!

And last, but not least...our soon-to-be-old sliding glass door. We have ordered a new one and although it has been a major hassle and should have been in a few weeks ago, it will hopefully be installed in the next 2 weeks...Lord, willing!! I am constantly thinking of new ways to upgrade the house. I may paint the living room and the twins room in the next year, but I need to take things one step at a time. :) Have a great weekend everyone!!