Today was our church's fall festival, aka, the parking lot party. It was a lot of fun! We had amazing food, face painting, a cake walk, bouncy houses, and fishing (for candy!). The girls had a blast which led to a meltdown when we left. :)
These girls were SO ready to go this morning. They got to wear play clothes instead of dressier clothes. I wasn't about to limit their playing abilities with a girly dress today.

Our current houses!

Lexi got a heart to match her sister!

Fishing...they both got M&M's and Swedish Fish. I hid them in the cookie jar and hope they forget about them for a while.

Lilly asked for the heart first...

Here is Lexi, during her "it's time to go" meltdown...I told her I was going to take her picture, so she better stop crying. She yelled, "No, Mommy!" and this was what I got....

Also during church this morning, the girls went into the service with us. They were peering into the sanctuary after Bible study on Thursday, and asked if they could "sing to Jesus with us". Why would I say no to that one? :) Church started this morning and by the 3rd announcement, Lilly announced, "I'm done now, Momma!" But, for 2 year olds, they lasted a long time.
After we got home today, they played like various rooms around the house were the "sanctuary" and they were going to go sing "sanctuary songs". They call Chris Tomlin's "Our God" the sanctuary song. :) We couldn't be much prouder!! Well, we hope you all had a great weekend too!!