Saturday, October 23, 2010

There is Something About Walmart...

I just finished reading Lexi a book that contained the Christmas song, Away in a Manger. Thus I ended up singing, "the baby Jesus song" quite a few times. Then I read "The Night Before Christmas" because they asked me to. :)

I left the room for a second as Lexi said she was going to get in her bed with the hay. Eric walked in the room and I heard her say, "Daddy, do you want to get in the hay with baby Jesus?" He said sure and then she told him to "wait a minute, because baby Jesus went to Walmart."

Eric replied, "What did baby Jesus go to Walmart for?"

From across the room Lilly responded, "He went to Walmart to get jammies!" As if Eric should have known that baby Jesus needed jammies.

I just have to stop what I am doing sometimes and record these funny moments so the girls will have them to look back on in the future. I think that one day, they might get a kick out of the stuff they said. :) Eric and I sure do!!

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