Saturday, February 27, 2010

Silly Girls

Lately it has been hard to get these two to sit together in my lap. They like to have my lap all to themselves and tend to push each other out. But the other day Eric got a good picture of them hanging out with me before bed.

I never thought I would love anything more than footed jammies on little kids, but long nightgowns on little girls beats footed jammies any day. Aren't these nightgowns in the following pictures too cute??

Lexi also has her "surprised" face down!! She loves to do it for the camera too.

Playing around before bed....they also know they are not supposed to sit in the coffee table, but I took their picture really fast and THEN asked them to get down. :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Alfredo Faces...

The girls love them some pasta, especially alfredo! They just wanted you all to share in their joy...

All of the above photos were Lilly and Lexi is below....

Yes, folks, those are my sassy little goobers!