Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pretty Song

I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this song! I heard it on the radio the other day and can't stop singing it. I love her voice and can't wait to hear more of this band. Enjoy! And for some reason, if I embed a video here it cuts off some of the video screen. You can see the whole thing on YouTube though...

The Band Perry, "If I Die Young"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

Lexi had herself a day about gru-ump-py!! Wow, that child had a full day of craziness. In the morning, we went walking with our friends when Lexi acted ugly to her friend. When I talked to her about it and asked her to apologize, she screamed no at me. She was adamant that she would not apologize. I apologized to Kiley and felt really sad that Lexi was acting that way.

The day kept getting worse, and when Eric got home, I took a little time out. I really needed a break from the girls fighting over who loved the dogs more and who wanted which color wand. Eric loved on them and seemed to break Lexi out of her funk. The rest of the afternoon went much better.

Around dinner time, Lexi comes up to me and says, "Mommy, remember when you told me to apologize and I said no?" I answered yes. She then said, "Mommy, I wanna say sorry now." She was very serious and matter of fact.

Of course, I grabbed my phone and called our friends. When Kiley was on the phone, Lexi told her that she was sorry and didn't act right. She then said, "I love you!" Kiley told her she loved her too. Then Lexi's face lit up and she said, "I love you too, Kiley! See you tomorrow!" I was almost melted on the floor. It was the most adorable and sweet thing I have ever heard in my life. They were both such big girls about it too. Wow! Tonight they are in bed and I am just so proud of them. It always seems like we have the BEST day after we have the WORST day. Today has been a lot of fun.

We also had our first behavioral training session with a "dog whisperer" trainer today. We learned some basic techniques to help Emma and Sneezy be more productive members of the family. We are working to correct some aggression issues they have with each other. Last week, Sneezy made a trip to the emergency vet clinic with a hole in his paw. Let's just say, Emma was almost taken back to the shelter. But, she is still a young girl, and a SWEET one at that. So we decided to work on training her really well before getting rid of her. We got her with that mindset in the first place.

Next week, is a busy week with medical issues. Emma goes to the vet on Wednesday to get fixed and Thursday, Lilly will be having her EEG to check for irregular brain activity. Since Lexi had some, Lilly probably will too. If she does, we will order an MRI as well and then go from there. We would love prayers for those two big events. As for Lexi, she is doing fine on the medication so far. She has a follow up with her neurologist in December.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Butterfly Fairy Photo Shoot

For any of you that regularly read my blog, you know by now that there is typically not a lack of pictures. And yes, I realize I already posted my Halloween pictures, but what most of you didn't realize is that Miranda and I dressed up our beautiful girls and had a pre-Halloween photo shoot. Fun, huh? I bet you are all jealous you weren't there, right? :)

So here are some of my favorite pictures of the butterfly fairies...

I think it's safe to say the girls had a good time too...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Zoo Boo

Our family is not super-crazy into Halloween, but it is fun to dress up and do something fun and safe with the kids. This year, we went to the Cameron Park Zoo for their annual Zoo Boo. It was pretty cool. They had bouncy houses and slides, face painting, fake tattoos, and some candy. I was really excited to see some healthy snacks in their buckets when we got home. They got some organic fruit leathers and granola bars. The girls like that stuff as much as candy, although Daddy almost ate it while they were sleeping. :)

We went with our friends and were so glad to spend that time with them. The kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Kiley and Eli! Miranda and I dressed the girls alike this year and they had so much fun being butterfly fairies together. And I must say, Eli was a super cute clown.

Lexi was kind of nervous and pretty much stayed in Eric's arms the whole time. They were a cute team.

Lilly managed to get some daddy time too though...

I love this picture, because this was Lexi looking up at me and saying, "Mommy, can we go down the big slide, please!"
They got in line even though I seriously doubted they would do it...then the girls REALLY surprised me. They both went down. The look on their faces as they slid down was priceless. :)
Lexi got a lion tattoo, and Lilly got a zebra.
They both got painted like a kitty cat. :)
Lilly was HILARIOUS!! She strutted around the zoo, laughing and being goofy. She was proud of her cat face.
Here is Lexi's face...
Lilly even got down on the ground and pretended to smell the ground like a kitty.
Checking out the candy stash...
Lilly's face when I told her she could eat a sucker. :)