Lilly was crying the other night and I had to run grab something in the other room. So I quickly handed her some toys and ran...Eric goes into the living room and starts laughing because it looks like I just buried her in all the toys. He said,"Lilly, where are you?"

Look at Lilly's face below...she has started sucking in her bottom lip and making noises with it! Eric and I cracked up at this picture...she looks like the bitter beer face guy..remember that commercial?!! But way cuter!!

This next group of pictures is just the girls being silly in between outfits. They are so easy going. Eric and I are so lucky! It is just so easy to take care of these 2 babies, because they are genuinely laid back and sweet! They make having twins extra fun. This is Lexi below and then Lilly below her...

Now, the pictures below are funny. I bought some "leg warmers" for the girls the other day. I saw a baby wearing them at the Olive Garden a while back and thought they were too cute! Unfortunatley, I think the lady who said that her baby was wearing leg warmers, meant that she was wearing "leggings", but oh well! Lexi is modeling what happens when I put them on my girls....the quick progression of on, to off and in the mouth!!