I have been getting questions about April Rose...I wrote a couple little things about her and have been following her and her mother's journey for a couple of months now.
I do not really want to address the situation because I am not sure what to say about it, but REALLY HOPE you will read what Jennifer, Angie, and Raechel have written about it. They write so much more eloquently and sweetly than I ever could. Check it out here:
Also, here is the link to the Chicago Tribune article.
I was a bit shocked and saddened by this, but do not regret any time that I spent in prayer for this hurting woman who has more issues than I ever imagined. Thanks!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
1 Year Stats
Time for our 1 Year Check-up!! We were really good and even giggled and played until shot time! Yuck!


Weight: 19 lbs, 12 ozs (25% percentile)..and FINALLY bigger than Lexi!
Height: 30 inches (75% percentile)

Weight: 19 lbs, 7 ozs. (25% percentile)
Height: 30 in. (75% percentile)
We think she is saying, "What??!! Lilly weighed more than me?"
Long and lean babies...just like Daddy!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Party Pictures
I have been late getting party pictures up...mostly cause I have been getting most of them from family and friends. Thanks to all of you who sent me some! I really appreciate it!

At the park...it seems that someone missplaced the highchair trays. Woops! :) 

The wind was blowing so much that we never could get the candles lit...oh well! I heard the story of how Eric grabbed his lit candle as a 1 year old and burned his fingers, so maybe it's not a bad thing! :(
Their first bites of chocolate and icing...we are destined to love chocolate!! :) This is Lexi...


The morning after was "new toy overload"...they had a blast exploring everything!
They climb into their chairs and will hang out and sit in them for a long time. This morning they sat in their chairs for 30 minutes...although they also tried to stand up and bounce around in them too!
Here we have Lexi and Uncle Nate snuggling before the party...it was naptime and Uncle Nate gives good cuddles!!
Getting dressed for the party!

Time for presents!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
What 1 Year Old Twins Look Like...
Please be prepared for LOTS of pictures!! I think the girls had a great day! First, we have Miss Lilly all dressed up for her Daddy! We got prettied up to surprise Eric when he arrived home from school this morning. Next is Miss Lexi showing off her "pensive" look!

Then we had our photo appointment at 5 tonight...we took so many pictures. I had the girls in their new dresses from Uncle Nathan to start with and then we switched to our birthday outfits. The girls had sooooooo much fun tearing into their cupcakes again! :) No more sugar til next year! :) I realize that I put a million pics on here, but I left out a bunch. It is super hard to choose when they are your kids and you think they are simply the most beautiful little things you have ever seen!!!
That's all for now!! Ha ha ha, I say that like it was a short post! And I actually had to decide between 99 pictures. :) I am too tired tonight, but will give their milestones and accomplishments tomorrow. Goodnight!

Lilly is on the left in these next 2:

That's all for now!! Ha ha ha, I say that like it was a short post! And I actually had to decide between 99 pictures. :) I am too tired tonight, but will give their milestones and accomplishments tomorrow. Goodnight!
Happy FIRST Birthday!!
I think I am gonna cry a lot today...my babies are already ONE!!! I have been hugging them super tight and asking them to stay little for mommy and not grow up! I bet they think I am silly. I will posting this birthday entry in pieces today, because I want to celebrate them in several ways. The main blog picture above is for their birthday...Lilly is on the baby on the left and Lexi is on the right (even in the photos with both girls)!! They have changed so much!
Lexi (5lbs, 8 ozs, 18 in.) at 1 day old!
Lilly (5 lbs, 2 ozs, 18.5 in) at 1 day old!
This is the first installment to say it right away...
Your Mommy and Daddy are soooooo proud of you! We love you more than you will ever know and thank God every single day that you are our daughters! We love your little faces, smiles, fingers, toes, laughs, mad faces, silly faces, and so much more than we could ever write! You both are gorgeous in and out and make every day such a joy!! Always remember that we are here for you and are your biggest fans. We will protect you and care for you. You can trust us and our devotion to you!
Loving you more every day!!
Mommy & Daddy
I hear some squirming and giggling coming from a certain bedroom...gotta go celebrate my angels!! Thank you God for such amazing children!!
Lilly (5 lbs, 2 ozs, 18.5 in) at 1 day old!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thank You!
It has been a great last few days and SO busy!! It was the twins birthday celebration weekend. My mother in law was able to fly in from Kentucky on Friday morning. Eric and I picked out our favorite dresses for the twins and we were off for the airport! Then around dinnertime, Eric's sister and her 5 daughters made it into town from El Paso. We ordered pizza and just hung out. The girls actually went right to sleep without a sound. While all of us girls did some shopping at WalMart, my little brother Nathan made it into town and hung out at the house with Eric.
The twins First birthday party was yesterday and it was busy, fun, and very entertaining...to say the least!! I will download all my pictures soon, but Eric and I didn't take a whole lot since we were busy helping the girls open their presents and smear icing on their faces and tummies!!
I know my friends and family took a lot, so maybe they can send me some? :) :) What if I say please? Then I will post a whole entry of party pics!
After the party, we had lots of people hang out at the house. The girls were on attention overload and eventually wanted nothing more than mommy and daddy to hold them!! So after a while, most people left and Eric and his sister took the nieces to a movie. It was just my AWESOME mother in law, myself, and one niece (Brianna) with the twins. We put them to bed an hour early since they were wiped out. About 20 minutes later, I had to go comfort a fussy and not-wanting to sleep Lexi. I get Lexi to sleep and Lilly wakes up thinking it's morning, since it was still light out. She figured since she had taken a 30 minute nap that she could now get up and play. So I brought her into the living room and her Nana held her for a while. Then as I was putting Lilly back to bed, Lexi woke up and started SCREAMING!! Turns out that she is getting tooth #3 now and was in some pain. SO...we give her some baby tylenol and hold her until she calms down. At this point Lilly is awake and making silly noises at me from her crib. When Lexi started laughing at her sister, I figured it was time to leave the room. So for the 5th time that night and 2 hours later, I tucked them in and told them to get some sleep. They went right to sleep, thank goodness!!
I about died when Eric and the kids arrived 5 minutes later and one of my nieces rang the doorbell and made the dogs bark! But, those babies were so exhausted that they slept all the way until 8 am this morning!
Now everyone has gone home and it is the 4 of us again. Everyone but me is sleeping and I have done 3 loads of laundry!! Yea! Now I am trying to figure out where to put all of the babies new stuff and thanking God that they are so loved by all!
Thank you to everyone who came to their party or sent gifts! The girls adore everything and don't know what to play with, wear, or read first...and I guess that is a super fun problem to have!! I'll post pictures soon!
The twins First birthday party was yesterday and it was busy, fun, and very entertaining...to say the least!! I will download all my pictures soon, but Eric and I didn't take a whole lot since we were busy helping the girls open their presents and smear icing on their faces and tummies!!
I know my friends and family took a lot, so maybe they can send me some? :) :) What if I say please? Then I will post a whole entry of party pics!
After the party, we had lots of people hang out at the house. The girls were on attention overload and eventually wanted nothing more than mommy and daddy to hold them!! So after a while, most people left and Eric and his sister took the nieces to a movie. It was just my AWESOME mother in law, myself, and one niece (Brianna) with the twins. We put them to bed an hour early since they were wiped out. About 20 minutes later, I had to go comfort a fussy and not-wanting to sleep Lexi. I get Lexi to sleep and Lilly wakes up thinking it's morning, since it was still light out. She figured since she had taken a 30 minute nap that she could now get up and play. So I brought her into the living room and her Nana held her for a while. Then as I was putting Lilly back to bed, Lexi woke up and started SCREAMING!! Turns out that she is getting tooth #3 now and was in some pain. SO...we give her some baby tylenol and hold her until she calms down. At this point Lilly is awake and making silly noises at me from her crib. When Lexi started laughing at her sister, I figured it was time to leave the room. So for the 5th time that night and 2 hours later, I tucked them in and told them to get some sleep. They went right to sleep, thank goodness!!
I about died when Eric and the kids arrived 5 minutes later and one of my nieces rang the doorbell and made the dogs bark! But, those babies were so exhausted that they slept all the way until 8 am this morning!
Now everyone has gone home and it is the 4 of us again. Everyone but me is sleeping and I have done 3 loads of laundry!! Yea! Now I am trying to figure out where to put all of the babies new stuff and thanking God that they are so loved by all!
Thank you to everyone who came to their party or sent gifts! The girls adore everything and don't know what to play with, wear, or read first...and I guess that is a super fun problem to have!! I'll post pictures soon!
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