Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Party Pictures

I have been late getting party pictures up...mostly cause I have been getting most of them from family and friends. Thanks to all of you who sent me some! I really appreciate it!

Here we have Lexi and Uncle Nate snuggling before the was naptime and Uncle Nate gives good cuddles!!

Getting dressed for the party!

At the seems that someone missplaced the highchair trays. Woops! :)

Time for presents!

The wind was blowing so much that we never could get the candles lit...oh well! I heard the story of how Eric grabbed his lit candle as a 1 year old and burned his fingers, so maybe it's not a bad thing! :(Their first bites of chocolate and icing...we are destined to love chocolate!! :) This is Lexi...


The morning after was "new toy overload"...they had a blast exploring everything!
They climb into their chairs and will hang out and sit in them for a long time. This morning they sat in their chairs for 30 minutes...although they also tried to stand up and bounce around in them too!

1 comment:

Carrie Huffman said...

Looks like it was a fun party! The first year goes by so fast!