Saturday, April 4, 2009
Please Read and Pray!!!
One day I saw the link for Kelly's blog on Melissa's and started reading!! Kelly and her husband live in Arkansas and had just given birth to their first little girl, Harper. She had struggled with infertility for a long time and had finally been blessed with Harper. Harper was born with all sorts of problems and almost died. She was flown to a big hospital in Oklahoma and was in the NICU for a long time...please read her blog for more's a WONDERFUL blog.
Kelly is also a sweet, sincere, godly woman and she consistently posts prayer requests so that we can all be in prayer for one another. Eric made me stop reading them for a while, because he would find me sobbing in the bedroom as I read these heart-breaking stories of sick babies and the parents who were having to let go. I am still reading them, but trying not to worry so much that it will happen to my girls. I am really working on trusting God in my babies lives and knowing that He has a plan for them.
However, I do think it is super important that we pray for these requests, even if they break my heart to read. It is strengthening my love for the body of Christ, and how can that be a bad thing?!!
Please read Kelly's Korner when you have time...there are lots more requests than I can mention on here. BUT...this is one I read tonight and I wanted to mention... lease read this blog...there are only 2 posts so far, but I do not know if I could be as strong as "B". Her faith amazes me and I wish I could give her a big hug but instead I will pray for her and the precious life of her unborn child!! Please pray with Eric and I!!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Just Playing Around...
Lexi trying to stand up again...she does this all the time now.

Lilly playing around with her sister. No one got hurt...they were being silly! :)

I was trying on a new swimsuit and Lilly wanted to play on the walk and ride toy. Isn't she cute?!
See, they have to taste everything! They crack me up...this is Lilly, who will now stick out her tongue and then slowly approach an item as if warning it that she's coming. :)
They love this toy and will actually argue over who gets to sit on it first.
Lilly is looking at the camera...they had just woken up from their nap and I set Lexi in Lilly's crib so they could say hi to each other. I especially like how their legs are touching...they are really sweet to each other!
We go outside in the evenings and the girls love it! First is Lexi waving at Daddy! The next 2 are Lilly playing in the grass.
Look at strong little Lexi who doesn't need us to put her in her infant seat to play at her activity station anymore! She just pulls herself up and walks around it. She played the piano for daddy last night while I was at dinner with Jessica.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Shelby's Birthday Party and The Package

Lilly showing mommy that she has matching bloomers on too!!
Cute one of Lexi...Eric took this one!
I am also just reminded how extremely blessed I am. God has blessed me with the love of my life, my Eric! I have 2 of the funniest, goofy little dogs that I can't imagine life without, and now I am the proud mommy of identical twin daughters. I am just blown away when I think about it. I read so many sad stories of people struggling to get pregnant or having babies with heart and brain diseases or are just struggling to make it. Part of me feels bad, because I am sitting in my house on my laptop with 2 healthy little girls asleep in the next room. I do not deserve better than anyone else and I know that my life is not perfect, but I am just so thankful for every day I get and every thing God has given me.
My friend Jessica blessed us yesterday by loaning us some ADORABLE and wonderful baby clothes. Her daughter, Annalise, has grown out of them, and when my girls grow out of them, I am going to give them back for her sister to use for her new daughter (to be born soon...YEA!!). I told Eric last night how God had been so good! I have been able to clothe my children in the cutest things, and feed them when they are hungry, and give them toys to play with...those are amazing blessings!! Thank you Jesus for all my blessings!
Here is the song I have been singing today...
Martina McBride's "Blessed"
I get kissed by the sun
Each morning
Put my feet on a hardwood floor
I get to hear my children laughing
Down the hall through the bedroom door
Sometimes I sit on my
Front porch swing
Just soaking up the day
I think to myself, I think to myself
This world is a beautiful place
I have been blessed
And I feel like
I've found my way
I thank God for all I've been given
At the end of every day
I have been blessed
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones
That love me
To love them so much it hurts
I have been blessed
Across a crowded room,
I know you know what I'm thinking
By the way I look at you
And when we're lying in the quiet and
No words have to be said
I think to myself, I think to myself
This love is a beautiful gift
When I'm singing my kids to sleep
When I feel you holding me I know