Lexi has a new habit. Eric and I are at a loss as to why she does this, or what she is trying to accomplish by doing it, but here it is...
The past week or so, Lexi's desire to nap has dimished even more. She has always been a light napper, but I am not about to complain about it since she sleeps through the night so well and is such a happy girl normally. Well, after playing for a while, she starts fussing because she is sleepy. Instead of falling to sleep, like Lilly, she suddenly starts squirming around and turns her entire body into her bouncer and this is what happens...

I sat close this evening watching her to see what else would happen...usually we see her start to do this and grab her and set her back up. So she got to this point and then stopped. Her toes touched the floor and she just sat there. She would lift her head up and bounce her body a little bit, but she quit squirming. So I guess we need to strap them into their bouncers, which of course, will make her even more angry. For now, we just put Lexi into the swing or her crib when she needs to nap and that seems to do the trick.
As of yesterday, Eric and I started the girls on a nap routine in hopes that it will help us in the future. The girls tend to really respond to routine, so we are trying to be consistent. At least once during the afternoon, after we have played and it's naptime, I put them into their crib and even if they just lay there and play, they will learn to expect it. Yesterday, they laughed and talked for about 20 minutes and then crashed and slept an hour.
In other matters, today was kind of fun. We got up a little early and drove to Waco to visit Fellowship Bible Church. I went to this church and was really involved for almost 4 years. After marrying Eric last year, we went back to visit once, but haven't been since the babies were born. It was a lot of fun introducing some old friends to my girls!
Eric does not feel too good so he could use your prayers! He needs his strength for school and I really rely on his help! Until later..